"Ribbit, but still, we try to keep it peaceful." Asui said."But it doesn't mean we won't do anything we can." Kirishima said."I can get use to this." Valarie said."Ha, yeah." Tucker said.

"Anyway, back to the planning. The school is going to have their yearly festival and thanks to Priniciy Nezu I got permission to use it as an opportunity to let the world know of what happened and that they too can help."

"Okay, then I'm in too." Sam said."Same here." Tucker and Valarie said."So how are you going to spread the news?" Jiro asked."I have a friend, Zaria, she's really good with camera's and such. Once I'm sure everything is ready I'll give her a call and she'll film me sending out the message. She'll also broadcast the concert world wide so that everyone can see it and send in their signatures." Andi said.

"I just hope this works. The sooner everything is planned and ready to go the better."

At Danny's end...
When Danny woke up he was once again pulled by his hair by Jack. Danny grabbed his hands but it hurt his chest so he immediately let go. When he looked again, he was tied up to the chair again."Don't try to lie this time. We still need to catch up on yesterday's work sum!" Jack said and punched Danny. Danny spat out some blood and Jack left. This time Agent K and O wasn't in the room.

It was only him. Danny took a deep breath and let it out."What's it this time?" Danny mumbled. The door behind Danny opened up and it revealed Agent A. He sat down again and this time he had a file."I found something interesting yesterday when I took a trip to the Ghost Zone." He said.

Danny was silent."We're getting somewhere. Good. Now explain to me, with out electrocuting yourself and making your parents mad, who is this?" He said opening the file to show pictures of Dani leaving Pandora's island."I'm not telling you anything."

Danny got electrocuted when Agent A pressed the button."Try again." He said. Is it all he can say? Danny thought."Fine. She's just like me. Exactly like me. So capturing her would be pointless." Danny said."Is she your sister, cousin or something?"

"She's my cousin. Jack and Maddie doesn't know her." Agent A looked confused."Explain." He said."Vlad Plasmius just cloned her. Nothing else." Shut up, Danny!

"Then who's the mother?" Agent A asked. Now Danny was confused."Whut?" Danny asked."To clone someone you'll need a female and male. Your obviously the male... who's the female. I certainly don't have to explain that further." Agent A said."I...what?" Danny said.

Agent A just raised his eyebrow."Should've known. I've seen your grades." Agent A said."Hey!" Danny shouted. Agent A pressed the button again."Enough of these childish games. Do you realise she is actually your daughter? That's enough reason for me to send out Agent K and O."

"Please, leave her alone. She never bothered anyone...except for Vlad." Danny said."Now why should we let another halfa that's like you roam freely?"

"She's weaker than me. She won't last here so it would mean you lose money. Money that could've been used for something else."

"Money isn't a problem."

"Okay! Okay!" Danny shouted when he was about to get Agent K and O."What about a deal?" Danny asked."Keep going."

"You leave her alone, that includes ALL agents and I won't try to escape. I won't struggle." Danny said. Agent A thought about it for a moment. I could take this deal and make it easier for Agent J and M to work, or I can capture her as well and break down the hope he still has...

"No. There is more than one way to break your spirit and trust me," Agent A grabbed Danny's face,"we will break your spirit and we will bring in your daughter for questioning and lots and lots of painful experiments." He said. To make sure Danny gets the picture, he tore up a photo of Dani in front of him.

"Agent K, O, J and M, to the interrogation room please. I repeat, Agent K, O, J and M, to the interrogation room."

Two minutes later all four agents was outside the door. No one saw Danny so he tried to break free but he got a small shock enough to make him scream, but he kept quiet. He doesn't want another whiplashing.

"Agent K and O. I have a new mission for you. Look for this girl. It's Phantom's daughter. According to Phantom, she is almost exactly the same as him." Agent A said handing them over the file."Agent J and M, you may take it for further experimentations." Agent A said.

Jack untied Danny while Maddie grabbed him this time. Soon Danny was in the familiar room again where they would cut him open. Danny's struggling started to make Maddie annoyed so Maddie grabbed Danny's wrist and Judo flipped him into the table. Danny grunted. The pain in his back all the way up to his neck left made him lay still as Jack tied him up again.

Maddie came with two injections. One for the one he missed yesterday and one for today. Danny was breathing heavily when the second one was in his system. It made his eyes glow green and then blue and then it stopped. Danny swallowed the spit in his mouth.

"Alright, let's get working. No breaks this time. We have too much to do." Maddie said. Jack nodded."Of course, Sweet Cakes!" Jack said as he handed a pair of latex gloves to her. She puts them on and brought the trolley closer that had all the scalpels and other tools on it."Jack, while I'm busy here, why don't you plug out it's finger nails. Let's see how fast they'll grow back." Maddie said.

Jack grabbed something from the cart and crushed Danny's hand with his own hand. Danny screamed as Jack plugged out the first nail out.

"Ugh, where is the danm gag!" Maddie said."Agent A threw it out, hun." Jack said over Danny's screaming. Maddie got annoyed and clasped his mouth shut."Say again, sweet heart."

"Agent A threw it out. Something about that he wants know that we are doing our job. By him screaming is indication for him. Gotta do what the boss says." Jack said. Maddie sighed but then Danny bit Maddie's finger hard enough for it to bleed.

"You son of a bitch!" Maddie shouted and Jack stopped."Just to clarify, you and Jack are female dogs?" Jack and Maddie got angry and both got their whips again. They whipped Danny's arms and legs but not his torso since it is still open."I'm sorry? I couldn't hear you over the screaming." Maddie said.

Danny's breathing got heavy again. While Jack kept plucking out Danny's finger, Maddie quickly washed up her finger and bandaged it."And the toe nails?" Jack asked."That too!" Maddie shouted in anger.

Jack went to Danny's feet and started to pluck it out. Danny screamed once again. He so badly wanted to get out of here.

When Maddie was finished she saw an alert on the computer. Her eyes widen and she quickly pressed the button that electrocuted Danny. Jack luckily didn't touch him while she did it.

"Why did you electrocute it?" Jack asked."It didn't get it's second shot that prevents it from using his most powerful ability. This whole building could've collapsed if I didn't." Maddie said and she quickly pressed another button.

The same needle came out behind Danny's neck from the collar and injected him again. Danny's throat felt drier than it was before."You mean to tell me he almost used it's Ghostly Wail?"


Who's going to save me?

That's the end for part 1. Part two will be posted on SakiMisumi123 's profile. Enjoy! Remember there's going to be four parts and this is part One.

I just want to add. Thank you SakiMisumi123 for suggesting this story and that we write it together. I had fun writing Part One.


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