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As the four teens got on the plane with their new allies, they couldn't help but to feel sad. They are leaving their town to protect their families, the town that they grew up in with a friend that is being tortured for just existing and who saved the world. What could be sadder than that?

Danny's end...
Danny is fast asleep in his cell when he woke suddenly woke up. He stood up with some difficulty and looked around. He grabbed the gag and ripped it out of his mouth. He threw it with the little strength he has at the glass keeping him inside."All my wolves, begin to howl, wake me up, the time is now. Oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh, there's a revolution coming!" The glass cracked and he punched it.

He stepped out and alarms started to blare. He's going to do it."Wide awake, the fever burns. Sweat it out, wait my turn. Can you hear the drumming? There's a revolution coming!" Agents charged at him but he somehow managed to dodge and knock them unconscious."All this doubt is creepin' in. Inside out, I shed my skin. Can you hear the drumming? There's a revolution coming!"

Danny soon found himself in the hallways that seemed to go on forever without end. Traps started to go off when it picked up on Danny's ecto signature."I been waitin' all my life. To live, when I've only been dreaming. Get love when I've only been stealing. Can't let time keep passing me by. Run down what I've always been chasing. Black out every fear I've been facing." Danny sang as he skillfully dodged the arrows and other traps but he stopped when a gas gotten release. Danny looked above him and saw air vents.

Right now he thought he thought he was screwed but then he tried his powers. It worked...how? Danny doesn't know. He turned intangible and flew through the air vent. "All my wolves, begin to howl, wake me up, the time is now! Oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh there's a revolution coming! Wild things that turn me on, drag my dark into the dawn!"He crawled rest of the way until he found a room that didn't have gas. He jumped."Oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh, there's a revolution coming!"

When Danny turned around he saw Jack and Maddie. They didn't do anything. They didn't know he is behind them. Danny's fists clenches."Body aches, I'm bound in chains. Well there's a fire in my veins and an you hear the drumming? There's a revolution coming!" Danny practically screamed and then Jack and Maddie turned around. They made an attack but Danny turned intangible and continued on. "Like every king who lost a crown and all those years are history now and can you hear the drumming? There's a revolution coming!"

"I been waitin' all my life. Rub down what I've always been chasing. Black out every fear I've been facing." Danny sang as he went through the wall only to find he was in a bathroom. The first thing he did was stare at the reflection but the reflection didn't show him, it showed HIM. Danny blasted it with ice. The mirror shards went everywhere and when Danny looked into a big shard he saw his own reflection.

"All my wolves, begin to howl. Wake me up, the time is now. Oh, can you hear the drumming Oh, there's a revolution coming! Wild things that turn me on, drag my dark into the dawn. Oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh, there's a revolution coming!" Danny came out of the bathroom and saw he was close to the elevator. He went inside, turned intangible and flew through it until he reached the ground level.

"There's a revolution coming! There's a revolution coming! Oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh, there's a revolution coming." Agents attacked but Danny drew up a shield around him and it deflected back.

I'm rising up, up from the ground from the bottom, can't hold me down! Hold me down!"

"I'm rising up, up from the ground from the bottom, can't hold me down! Hold me down
Hold me down."

Who is going to save me?-My Hero Academia and Danny Phantom CrosscoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang