Lay Me Down || Kurapika x Reader

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"Y/N, I apologize but if you're going to act that way please leave," Kurapika speaks calmly, his cool and collected voice angers you and you find yourself watching him with slitted eyes. "Please don't look at me that way," Kurapika still refuses to look at you, eyes focused on whatever he busied his hands with. You stand in the doorway, watching him cautiously, fists at your side as if as soon as he made a move you'd strike. "I understand this may be difficult to understand but this is something I had to do on my own." You scoff and take a step forward, eyes locked on his hands. Kurapika's hands still, his fingers twitch as if you had come too close he'd attack. "Y/N, please leave."

"Kurapika," You speak through gritted teeth, fists tightening the angrier you grew. "You're going to stand there and tell me to leave?" Your head snaps up and your eyes meet with his. "You're going to stand there and tell me that it's difficult for me to understand?" You spit, shaking with anger. "After I risked my life, after you dragged two children around for you, had two children risk their lives all because they care for you, it's difficult to understand?" You bury the pointed tip of your forefinger into Kurapika's shoulder, the former stumbling back a few steps at the force. "I fought the troupe for you. I risked my life for you." You stab your finger into his shoulder with every word. "And you want to know the most messed up part about it all?" You sound defeated, tears welling in your eyes, the liquid rolling down your cheeks with a blink of an eye. "I'd do it again. I'd fight every fight, risk everything all over again. Do you know why? It's because I love you Kurapika."

Your confession makes Kurapika freeze, and for the first time you've entered the room, he shows emotion. His eyes shake, breath hitching in his throat as your words swim in his head. "Y/N." He whispers your name, head falling in defeat as he finds himself speechless against your confession. "Please," He pleas, tears welling in his own eyes. You scoff and bring one of your hands up, the palm of your hand landing against his cheek. Kurapika's tears roll down his cheeks, and he's unable to stop them. His heart feels like your fist is wrapped around the organ, crushing it. Kurapika can feel his heart in his stomach, you had slapped him. "What, why?" The same hand you had used to land the blow is the same hand you bring up to cup his cheek, thumb running over his busted lip.

"Kurapika," You step forward once more, forehead pressed against his. Your eyes tremble with sadness, your tears matching his. "I told you, I love you." You whisper weakly, bringing your other hand up. Both cup his face, holding him gently as if you held on any tighter he'd crumble. "If you want to cut Leorio, Killua or even Gon off, fine but if you continue to shut me out, I'll keep finding you and I'll keep forcing you to realize." Your lips hover over his, wet with your tears. "I'm not going anywhere." You smash your lips against his, the kiss is as soft as your hold on his face, lips moving weakly against his. It's almost as if you're begging him to kiss you back. Kurapika's arms wrap around your mid-section, pulling you flush against his body. His lips move slowly against yours, and it's as if the two of you are the only rooms in the area, in the world. You break the kiss with a small smile. "Do you understand?"

"Yes," Kurapika can feel his sadness melt away, his tears stopping as he realizes the battle he had made so only he could fight it didn't have to be fought alone. "I'm sorry," His hands ball the material of your shirt into fists. "It was I who couldn't understand," Your hands move from his face so you could wrap your arms around his neck. "I was lucky enough to have friends like Leorio, Killua and most certainly Gon." Kurapika watches you with a close eye, watching as you await his next words. "It was I who couldn't understand how lucky I was to have someone like you by my side." This makes you smile and you feel the anger you once held slip away. "Please, let me make up for it." You kink a brow at this proposition.

"Here? In this old, rundown church?" You look around the room, frowning when you realize he meant here, he meant now. "We've really got to work on your romantic skills." You giggle, the small noise followed by a shudder when you feel Kurapika's cold hand meet the warmth of your skin. "Kurapika," You sigh, unknowingly leaning into his touch, despite your words. "Could we at least move over there?" You remove his hands from your shirt and grab one of them to pull him in the direction of a couch that had been in the back of the room. You reach the couch and pat it, coughing when a cloud of dust arises from your touch. "If this situation ever comes up again, please, please know I am going to say no." You push the former onto the couch, "Oh, and I'm on top."

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