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*in this oneshot El and Mike are 14/15*
*and back story El is already going to Hawkins middle school with everybody else*

It was the two weeks after El got into Hawkins middle school with everybody else.

It was exiciting to her and for everybody else, and it was really exiciting to Mike.

But it was little risky, El was the prettiest girl in they're grade. Hundreds of boys wanted to get her, but Mike didn't let that happen.

Instead, it made him a little protective. But El thinks it was cute of him to do that, it can be annoying sometimes.. but it'll pass.

The school bell rang and it was time for lunch, everybody was heading to the cafeteria and eat of course.

Meanwhile, El was trying to help her classmate Edward with his homework specifically biology.

El- And the answer to number 10 is oxygen and carbon dioxide *smiles*
Edward- Thanks El! You are really good at biology *smiles back*
El- Thank you.
Edward- Hey El, you wanna go for a movie sometime or what?
El- About that I-

And like that she was interupted by the one and only Mike Wheeler.

Mike- Hi El *kisses cheek* you ready to go? The Party's waiting for us.
El- Yeah I'm ready *smiles*
Mike- Who is this? *pointing at Edward*
El- This is Edward, I was helping him with biology *smiles*
Mike- Hey I'm her boyfriend
Edward- Hey *smiles* soo.. you wanna come?
El- Uhh.. i better not, i have plans *smiles*
Edward- Oh okay, bye El
El- Bye Edward

After saying goodbye El and Mike walked through out the corridor.

Mike- He is really getting on my nerves *clenching his teeth*
El- Mike, c'mon.. he was just being friendly.
Mike- Ooh yeah sure, what about the other times? *raises eyebrow*
El- What about them?
Mike- Oh well, I don't know.. how about that one time where Egy was literally flirting with you at the school gate? Or what about that one time where Malvin wanted to carry your backpack? Or w-
El- Okay okay i get it Mike.
Mike- I should really hide you, you know that?
El- Why? *asks innocently*
Mike- Because El! Well.. because, you're the prettiest girl in our grade and.. and guys are all over you, I don't want other guys to see what's mine... *pouts*
El- You know Mike... I know you're jealous and well that's okay.
Mike- But.. I-
El- Mike.. I want you, i don't want anybody else but you. You were there when i was scared in the woods, you were the one who took care of me and fed me. And you were the one who accepted me for who i am, I wouldn't leave or change you for a thing. I love you.. only you *smiles*
Mike- El.. I-i love you too *smiles and blushes*
El- Now.. let's get going to the cafeteria, I'm really hungry *kisses cheek*
Mike- Alright we'll go.. but you have to kiss me first *smirks*
El- Ughh fine! But you have to promise me you won't be jealous anymore.
Mike- Fine *rolls eyes* can I get my kiss now?
El- Yeah Mike *quick peck on lips* there!
Mike- That wasn't a kiss *pouts*
El- Okay! Fine.. *kisses on lips*
Mike- *deepens the kiss*
El- *pulls away* okay! That's enough.. I'm hungry *pouts*
Mike- Okay Eleven *smiles*

Then the both of them got to the cafeteria and sat with the rest of the Party.


*and that's the end of the one shot, hope you guys enjoyed it!*
*sorry if it's short, that was the best I can do*
*until next one shot guys!*

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