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Dear Alex,

Today I came to school after a week with a cast on my right arm, and my leg with crutches.

Yeah you guys are the reason I got that.

The doctor was almost horrified.

He asked me what had happened.

I could've told him about you guys.

I could've been safe then.

Instead I said that I fell down the stairs.

Which I did.

You slammed me against the lockers and pinned me by my arms.

I hit my head in the process and I let out a whimper.

I think I saw care flash in your eyes for a moment.

You stared at my hand.

Not the one with the cast on it.

But the one with the bandages on it.

Yeah, I did use the blades.

You tried to take off my hoodie.

But i somehow escaped and ran to the girls' bathroom.

Where I cried bitterly.

I rolled up my sleeves and took out a blade from my pocket.

And began cutting my thighs.

Too much of blood gushed out.

But for the first time, it felt good through the pain. Thank you.



DEAR BULLY, DEAR VICTIMWhere stories live. Discover now