
Ok now I'm just being silly.

Tilting my head back to get my first proper look at my saviour, I saw what was clearly the face of a little girl. Well, either a boyish girl or a girlish boy. Either way it doesn't matter.

"Thank you" I said. I can't forget my manners just because of a near death expirience, how rude would that be? Besides, for some reason I only want this girl to see he best of me. Hmm, I must just want to be a good representative of our family name. That sounds about right.

The girl grinned down at me, dazzling me. I quickly returned my face to the road in front of me, my cheeks heating up.

What the heck!? Why is she so pretty? Uh, what no, I mean! Agh, get yourself together Lillian. This isn't a big deal, you're just sitting on a horse with a gentlemanly stranger behind you. Nothing more, nothing less. So what if the stranger is really cool, super pretty and extraordinary in every way- No wait, stop it Lillian, bad Lillian!

Ok breathe, this is fine. I'll ask for their name, then I will be able to see them again. It's only natural right? I must reward them for their good deed. It's only a formality, nothing personal. Any second now I'm going to to it...

Without realising it my internal struggle had lasted the whole way back to the city. I didn't even say a word to her! She probably things I'm really ungreatful or disrespectful. This is bad! I can still turn this around if I ask now and give her a proper reward.

We made it all the way back to the guards better I could ask, "May I know to name of my saviour?"

Yes! I did it! My heart is beating to fast from all this stress...

She gave me another grin, even more spectacular than the last one. I swear I felt my heart stop for a moment, I've got to get that checked out. My heart may have a problem...

"May Rosewell." She replied, putting her hands behind her back, leaning on the backs of her heels.

Fighting down the violent blush forming on my face, I bowed my head slightly to hide it. "Thank you again, miss Rosewell." I must really be sick if I'm acting this way...

She quickly returned to the horse, my tongue too tied to stop her.

"I better get going then." As she mounted the horse her motions were fluid, as if it were reflex.

"Where are you off to?"

Oops I sounded a little too desperate there, hopefully she didn't notice anything.

She turned back to me from the top of her horse. The wind blowing the hood off from her head, unleashing an untamed mess of chocolate waves. A mescheivious glint appeared in her golden eyes as she smirked down at me, full of confidence.

"I told you I'd find those horses, didn't I?"

Then she rode away, without giving me a second glance.

Not bothering to fight it any more my whole face erupted into flames. I covered my cheeks in an attempt to hide some of it, but at this point it was pointless.

What was that? Why is she so cool!? I guess there's no point in denying it anymore, I'm falling hard.

Wait, lets think rationally. What if this is just my body coming down from some sort of adrenaline high. Yes, that seems more likely. Whatever the reason is I still have to see her again. No, not because I want to! In my flustered state I momentarily forgot about her reward. It would only be right to give it to her in person as well right? And.... maybe when I'm there I can het to know her a bit more. As a friend obviously! That doesn't mean I don't already have friends, because of course I do. After all I'm the first daughter of the Snow family...

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