🌻My Everything 🌻

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So I'm trying something new guys just for my dear readers, you know... to lighten up a bit cause you know... with everything gloomy and all... Enjoy Q w Q


Hayabusa couldn't seem to wipe the smile off his face as soon as he opened his eyes.

Who could when she was practically the embodiment of perfection?. How can you exactly describe something like her? Here she was beside him sleeping peacefully yet his mind was clouded with nothing but her. It was quite frustrating to say the least.

Hanabi stirred and turned away from him replacing her warmth with coolness. That would not do.

Hayabusa wrapped his arms around her waist protectively and nuzzled his face on her neck giving her a squeeze, he felt her move closer to him on impulse and release a soft sigh of content.


"Hana" Hanabi tore her attention from her food to look at Hayabusa who had a very goofy smile at her.

"You got a little something right-" And hayabusa swiftly and smoothly stole a kiss from the shocked and confused female. 

They were out for lunch since they were both hungry and too lazy to cook so they decided to eat out anyways (despite it being more effort than just cooking at home) so yeah.... Hayabusa just kissed her smoothly in public... in front of strangers.

Immediately Hanabi turned bright red and slapped his arm in embarrassment, Hayabusa didn't care tho, that Hanabi can tell.

Despite Hanabi being the queen Hayabusa treats her to be, she can be a bit messy when eating, he didn't care tho, she looked adorable either way.

"Hanababy" Hanabi looked at him with a scowl, cheeks still red.

"I love you" He winked. Yeah Hanabi turned red.


"Which one do you want?" Hanabi leaned over the glass to get a better look at the plushies inside the claw machine.

The couple was in an arcade for their spontaneous date Hayabusa pulled Hanabi on. And Hanabi was already holding an armful of ADORABLE plushies curtesy of her partner's arcade skills.

"Hmm the cat one!" Hanabi decided. Hayabusa nodded and gave her what she wanted.

After swiftly winning her the plushy and a happy partner later the couple made their way home.

"You really can't resist cute things can you?" Hanabi looked at her boyfriend and saw a teasing smirk on his face. Hanabi scoffed holding up her cat plushy.

"Who could?! THEIR ADORABLE!" Hanabi exclaimed aggressively.

Hanabi let out a shriek when Hayabusa swiftly engulfed her in a bear hug



Hanabi jumped when she heard their front door slam out of no where. Hanabi immediately ran downstairs because it was most likely Hayabusa arriving from work.

Hanabi was taken by surprise as soon as her foot touched the last step of the stairs she was engulfed by a tight hug. Hanabi did not hesitate to wrap her arms back around her partner.

Hayabusa was clearly in no mood, his posture was slouching, his breathing was slow and he was practically leaning on her or support physically and emotionally. One hand was on his back rubbing in circular motion and one was brushing his hair back soothingly, one she discovered calmed him.

"Wanna eat something Love?"


"Wanna talk about it?


Hanabi sighed softly and kissed his head, letting her lips linger for a minute before she pulled away from him and pulled him to the sofa. Hayabusa immediately wrapped his arms around her again letting them both all forward, resting his head on her chest as she stroke his hair.

"I love you" Hayabusa softly whispered.

"I love you too love"


I hope you guys liked that and please tell me if ever something needs changing and what nots... Love you guys and please stay safe and indoors!!!


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