Prussia x Bullied!Abused!Reader ~When she cries~ Oneschot

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AN: hey long time no see. i had this story in my mind for a month now! i was like: i shouldn't upload this, i have other stories first!
but i really can't think of anything for those so....
you fill in the blanks.

anyways this is my first sad story so be gentle.

“BANG!” the door to the living room slammed shut.  A couple of curses could still be heard.
Quick and unsteady steps rushed up the stairs. Another door was opened and slammed shut as a girl fell onto her bed. She buried her face in her pillow and loud sobs could be heard.

It was the umpteenth time that her mother had abused her. Every weekend she would end up drunk and beat the poor girl, just to forget her own sorrow.
(Y/n) hated it. She hated being her daughter. She hated the world!

(Y/n) got up and walked towards the bathroom. She looked into the mirror. Her eyes began to tear up again and she moved her hand towards her cheek to touch the sore spot.
(Y/n) had bruises all-over her. From her legs to her face.

‘Little girl terrified
She'd leave her room if only bruises would heal

The next morning (Y/n) got up with an emotionless expression. Walking towards the bathroom she stumbled over her own feet but didn’t fall. She was used to her wobbly feet. When she got in the room she avoided looking in the mirror, not wanting to cry all over again at seeing the many bruises and scars.

She had to go to school today. Wait, let me correct that, to hell.
Her mother was abusive alright, but school was a whole other story. She was taunted, pestered, tripped, kicked and let’s not forget all those names they had given her.
She had no one to turn to. Not her mother, not the teachers and no friends.
She would rather stay home, with one woman who hated her, than go to school with thousands of people who hated her.
She would hide in her room, under the warmth of her blanket. Not having to hear all the nasty things the world threw at her.

A home is no place to hide
Her heart is breaking from the pain that she feels

A figure was standing in the autumn cold. A girl with (h/c) bangs hanging in front of her face, hiding the beautiful (e/c) orbs she possessed. Her figure bending over slightly, head hanging low.
It was (F/n), waiting for the bus to come. The bus that would bring her to the place she despised so much.

Every day was the same for her. Hiding from bullies, breaking down as result of the pressure, that painful feeling in her chest and fighting to get out of it alive and well. Which hardly ever happened.
She asked herself countless times “Is there anybody that cares about me? Is there anyone who hears me when I cry all alone in a corner?”
Never did she get an answer.

‘Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She wonders why, does anyone ever hear her when she cries?’

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you.”
(F/n) stood there, on a stool, while everybody was singing for her. She didn’t show any emotion, afraid to let the tears fall down.
It was her 16th birthday. 14 years of abusing and 10 years of hell.
Her whole family was there. Either talking to each other or drinking and eating from the buffet table. Acting like nothing was wrong.
Not one of them got close to her or showed even the slightest interest in her. she was alone once again.

‘Today she's turning sixteen
Everyone's singing, but she can't seem to smile
They never get past arms length
How could they act like everything is alright?’

She pulled at the ends of her sleeves, trying to keep herself and the others from looking at her scars and bruises. They would only bring back the many bad memories.
Those scars however, weren’t from her mother or the bullies. (F/n) had cut them herself. She figured that if being hit, pestered and forgotten was the only thing she was good for, why not do so herself?
Maybe someone would notice. Maybe it was the answer to her problems. Maybe this was the way she could express her pain, let others see that she was in pain.

Pulling down her long sleeves
To cover all the memories the scars leave
She says, "Maybe making me bleed
will be the answer that could wash the slate clean.’

“What did you say loser? Didn’t hear ya there.”
Another kick. A slap. A punch. It was the daily routine.
“When do you learn not to come in our hallway, huh? When!”
(F/n) felt the tears threatening to spill. She couldn’t take it any longer. Why her? Why does she have to go through this?
“Hey Loser girl, where is that wonderful scream of yours? It’s been a long time since I’ve heard it.”
Her voice was taunting, only making (f/n) more miserable. But she had to fight. She had to make it through the day. Even if she herself was starting to lose hope.

Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She wonders why, does anyone ever hear her when she cries?’

(F/n) shut her eyes tightly and put her hands over her ears, trying to block out the sound, hoping the torture would be over soon.
Another painful blow to the stomach. She hurdled over in pain. And just when the tears started falling, she heard a voice. A strong male voice. “Hey!”
‘Not another one.’ She thought ‘When is this going to end’
“Leave the Frau alone!”
Her eyes widened, her heart stopped for a second and it seemed as if everything was moving slower.
She turned her head cautiously. Her (e/c) gaze fell up on a tall guy with stunning red eyes and snow white hair. An albino.
“Oh so the freak is standing up for the loser.” A girl snapped. (f/n) saw him grit his teeth and clench his fists, obviously trying to keep himself from punching the girl.
“Yeah I do. So What?!” he yelled. (f/n) was frozen in place. To stunned to move. Her gaze was still fixed on his frame.
“W-why…?” her voice cracked. It was barely audible and hoarse. How long has it been that she has spoken?
The guy turned his attention to (f/n). He had heard her! Even with the low volume she had spoken.
He gave a reassuring smile. “Because you and I are the same. We need to protect each other.”

This is the dark before the dawn
The storm before the peace
Don't be afraid 'cause seasons change and
God is watching over you
He hears you’

“Freak!”  “Loser!”   “Hey I’m talking to you, Fat ass!”
(F/n) didn’t pay attention to the calls. She just stared out the window. It was another school day. Another day of hell.


A drinking pack made contact with her head. she brought her hand to her head to brush away the juice that might have leaked out of it. Yep it was another ordinary day.
She felt an arm take place around her shoulders. (f/n) smiled slightly.
A soft whisper made its way to her ear. “Don’t listen to them (f/n)”
She nodded. “I won’t Gil.”

Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She'll be just fine, 'cause I know he hears her when she cries

Gilbert smiled too. He had finally done what he had wanted to do for so long but was too afraid to do so. He stood up for her. He showed her she wasn’t alone.
And now he was the one she would turn to. The one she trusted.

Gilbert looked at (f/n)’s small frame. He pulled her closer to him. She yelped a little but let herself relax against his chest. She had found someone, someone she was looking for all her live.

‘Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She'll be just fine, 'cause I know he hears her when she cries

“I love you Gilbert.”
“I love you too (F/n).”

She'll be just fine, 'cause I know he hears her when she cries

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