"Stop fighting them," Stiles yells. "It's just an illusion."

"It looks real and it feels real. But, Scott, trust me. It's an illusion," I say.

The Oni line up and slash at all of us as the flows but we walk toward the door. Blood flows but we all remain standing and push through to the Nogitsune. Scott pushes it back through the door and into the school hallway. We are alone in the school. There's no more snow, no more Oni, and no more Nogitsune. "We're okay. We-"

Scott gets thrown into a locker and Kira gets knocked down. I look up to see Void Stiles and Void Scarlett. He grabs me by the throat and slams me down. I wince. Void Scarlett kicks me and slams me into a wall. "This was my game. You think you can beat me at my own game?"

The two are pissed. They rush toward Stiles and Lydia rambling. "Divine move, divine move, you think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni but me? Me? I'm a thousand years old! You can't kill me!"

"But we can change you," Lydia says.

I look at Scott and he nods. Kira slowly stands with her sword on hand. "You forgot about the scroll."

I grab Void Scarlett and Scott grabs Void Stiles by the shoulders with our claws. We then both bite them on the arm. We release them. Right after, Kira stabs them both through the chest. They scream, the lights flicker and a fly comes buzzing out of Void Stiles' mouth and flies down the hall.

The triskelion box comes out of nowhere and Isaac, holding it, traps the evil fly inside. The two voids' body begins to twitch and jerk. Suddenly it stills and then begins to dry out and crack like clay, collapsing into a pile of dust on the floor which quickly dissipates to nothing. I walk outside to check on Derek and see Ethan, on the ground, holding his brother. I smell his blood all the way from where I'm standing. Tears immediately filled my eyes.

I run toward them and almost throw myself at him. "Aiden!" Derek holds me back by wrapping both his arms around my waist. "Aiden, no! Please!"

He has blood spilling from his mouth. I can feel his pain, just as much as Ethan can maybe even more. I kneel down next to him, bring him into my lap. Ethan sits beside him. I use my sleeve to wipe some of the blood from his mouth. I press my head against his and begin crying more. "Does it hurt you as much it hurts me?" he chokes. Me and Ethan nod. Aiden turns his head up toward me. "Please give me something to...hold on to. Please."

I move my mouth to his ear and whisper, "Let go."

I hold him close as he slowly dies. When I hear his heart stop, I break down even more. I carefully lay him down on the ground and stand over him. The next day, I can't even think straight. I don't even feel like the same person anymore. I take a shower. I change into blue jeans, red shirt, and just socks. I go into the kitchen and find Scott sitting at the coffee table. I sit next to him and lean my head on his shoulder. He slowly wraps his arm around me. I can't help myself. I start to sob. Allison. Aiden. They're dead because of me. Scott starts to sniffle himself and one of his tears fall on my cheek. We hold each other tighter. My mom comes and wraps her arms around both of us. We just sit there, holding each other.

Some might say that things are over. But, in reality, it's just the beginning. At least, for me and my friends.

I go to see Derek. He is staring out his window. "Hey," I say, in a soft voice.

He turns. "I thought you were with Scott."

"I was. But, I need to tell you about something. I saw your mom and she talked to me."

"My mom? What did she say?"

"Enough to help me realize something. She helped me see who I am. I'm not a monster and I'm not a predator. I'm Scarlett McCall, a True Alpha, and protector over Beacon Hills. Since she's gone, it's up to me to pick up where she left off."

I go to see Stiles next. He's standing in his room, trash all over the place. I knock twice on his door. "Hey, Stiles, what are you doing?"

"Just...um...clearing my head."

I sit on his bed. "Are you okay?"

He nods. "Yeah, I just...still feel like this is all my fault."

I shake my head and stand back up. "No, Stiles. None of this is your fault or mine or anyone else. We made it. That's all that matters."

"But Allison and Aiden didn't."

I sigh and grab his face. "Stiles, listen to me. They are not your fault. Stop beating yourself up for something you couldn't stop." He just nods. I sigh again. "Void Stiles told me how you really feel about me, the reason why he made another me. Do you really care that much?"

"Well, yeah. You're the twin of my best friend. You're like my sister, too."

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. "Thank you," I whisper.

He wraps his arms, tightly, around my waist. He buries his face in my neck and I feel him begin to shake, crying. I lock my arms around him and we cry together. At school, Ms. Morrell calls me to her office. "So, Scarlett, after all this has happened, how do you feel?"

I want to tell her what she wants to hear but that gets me nowhere. I'm already doing that with Scott and my mom. "I sometimes still feel that darkness over my heart. Sometimes, I even still think the nogitsune is still there, controlling me. But I have friends and family who care about me so I know I can get through this."

"Deaton told me about your eyes. How are they?"

I make them glow for her. They are both back to being red. "I was scared I wouldn't be an Alpha anymore but, that night I conquered the nogitsune's control over me, I gained that status back."

She takes some notes. "Where do you think things will go from here?"

"I'm not sure. I still want to graduate high school and go to college but I want to work on myself, mentally, for a while. The last thing I need is for myself to be vulnerable to another dark spirit."

She smiles. "You're strong. I know you're going to grow and become something greater."

"I think the weirdest part is that I'm not living up to my Alpha name for myself anymore. Talia Hale is the only reason I haven't given up again. She wanted me to take her place as the protector of this town."

"You said 'again'. You've given up before?"

"Well, after the whole thing with Deucalion, I was done with all this crazy supernatural mess. I almost lost my brother and my own life but I didn't really escape that because I did die."

"So, what about you and Stiles?"

I scoff. "We are much closer since we were possessed. But, I feel like I've fallen out with Scott."

She slowly places her pen down. "What do you mean?"

"When I...was not me, I did some things. The way he looks at me..like I'm the monster now."

My Love for Derek Hale *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now