With her being almost late, the only seat is her usual, next to Ethan. He's leaning his head on his hand staring straight ahead and lost in thoughts. He can't help but be shocked when she slams her things down next to him.

"...Aph," he gulps, looking to her with wide eyes. She doesn't acknowledge him.

It's hard just sitting next to each other, but Ethan doesn't try to speak to her again. He diligently takes notes and tries to stop his palms from sweating throughout class.

About halfway through class, Mr. Magnus clears his throat and stops teaching. His eyes linger on Aphrodite, face glued to her phone while she texts her friends, giggling to herself at a few of them. She doesn't even notice the class has stopped until Ethan elbows her.

"What the fuck--oh, did you ask me something?"

"Not yet," he sighs, walking closer. "I have to say I'm surprised. You've been a good student these last few months. Is something more entertaining than my class?"

"Yeah," she shrugs, laughing to herself. "You can carry on. I'll just steal someone's notes at the end."

"Mr. Magnus, i-it's okay. I'll help her... she can have mine," Ethan promises, feeling obligated to offer. Other students are snickering now, and it's obvious to everyone how blazed Aphrodite is. "S'my fault she's texting anyway... I uh, asked her to--"

"Just... go to the office, both of you."

Aphrodite scoffs, scooping up her things and storming out the door. Ethan follows after her, attempting to balance his books while jogging to keep up.

That isn't the best idea though, because she turns around and shoves a finger into his chest pointedly. Ethan's eyes widen, stumbling backward and dropping a few pens. She's actually scary when all of her anger is directed at him.

Aphrodite always intimidated him a little bit. She was gorgeous, and outgoing, and definitely not afraid to tell people what she thinks. But right now, looking at him like she hated him, it was not the best feeling in the world. In fact, it's probably one of the worst and there's nothing he could think to do to make this situation better for either of them.

"I don't need you to fucking cover for me, Ethan. I told you I didn't wanna see you again, I definitely don't want to be speaking to you."

"I-I just thought--"

"I don't care!" She snaps, her bottom lip wobbling but her eyes still filled with fire. "Just leave me alone, alright? Pretend that I've never been anything more than just one of Grayson's friends, because that's what I'm doing, and I wish that were the truth."

Squeezing his eyes shut, he nods. Ethan had to respect that, he knew there was nothing he could do to change her mind. But he wouldn't take back everything, because Aphrodite still gave him the best months of his life. He might've been a blip in hers, but she was everything to him. Even if he went and fucked it up.

How could he explain to her what happened? She was so mad, so hurt... all he could do was apologize, and that didn't make her feel better.

When he opens his eyes again, she's halfway down the hall toward the office without him. That's okay, however, he knows he needs to keep his distance from her.

"Is this why you don't love me back?"

Ethan hears it again and feels his hands shake, walking as slow as he can toward the main office. That was the most painful sentence anyone has ever said to him--he couldn't see anything getting worse from here on out.

It was only fair that Ethan had to listen to her voice on loop, because she couldn't escape his face. Every time she closed her eyes she saw him and Rachel.

This hurt more than any of the other times she was cheated on, because Aphrodite thought she could trust Ethan. She truly loved him, more than anyone else, and thought that he was different. Aphrodite thought she finally found someone good, someone kind and caring, but her heart broke when she saw that.

In the first instant, she didn't believe that Ethan would do that. Aphrodite figured it must be a misunderstanding, that she missed something. It's not like Rachel was a person who could be trusted--but Ethan didn't deny it. He didn't try and explain. He only apologized and refused to look her directly in the eye, and Aphrodite was once again left with her heart in a blender.

She collapses in an office seat, grumbling under her breath to the receptionist. It's not unusual for Aphrodite to be here, but it's been a while.

Ethan clears his throat when he steps into the otherwise silent office, deciding to sit a few spots away from Aphrodite. He knows she doesn't want him near right now, and as much as it hurts, he respects it.

It's in and out for an annoyed Aphrodite, leaving Ethan to be sent in next. He finds it hard to hide his nerves--he's never been in trouble at school before.

"...Ethan," the principal sighs, shuffling her papers. "I already received a call from Mr. Magnus. It sounds like you didn't do much other than attempt to cover for Aphrodite. Nevertheless, I don't want this to become standard for you. I've noticed you hanging out with her more this year, and I'm sure you're aware of your brothers track record... so you'll be here Saturday morning for detention."

Saturday detention? For trying to help Aphrodite get out of trouble? He'd never say it, but that sure felt like overkill.


A few hours locked in the library with Aphrodite on Saturday morning. That would be fun--and painful. At least there's enough space in the library to where they won't have to sit together. Ethan would probably find himself staring at her from afar.

When he leaves the office, it's at the same time the bell is ringing. Ethan walks toward his locker, but is stopped cold at the sight of Colton across the hall from it, his arm around Aphrodite, talking to Grayson and Carla.

Aphrodite is ranting to them about him, about getting detention. As she is, Colton leans in with a smirk to plant heavy kisses on her pulse point and she doesn't stop him.

The sight makes Ethan sick to his stomach. Seeing her with someone else was hard, but Colton? She was letting it happen just to spite Ethan.

"Just skip your detention, Aphie," Grayson grins, glancing around the hall to check for teachers. He doesn't even acknowledge his brother. "Alright, I went to one class and I've had enough of today. You all down to skip the last one with me, or are you gonna stay and torture yourselves?"

"I'm down to get out of here. Aphie, you in?" Colton asks, holding both sides of her face. His grip is much less gentle than Ethan's always was. Pads of his fingertips press into her skin, eyes already dark, licking his lips. She didn't like him, practically at all. Aphrodite hoped Colton might dull the pain she felt, and she knew using him like this was a mistake, but she was feeling too hurt and self-destructive to care. She leans forward, prying his lips open with her own, though the boy uses far too much tongue. "I'll take that as a yes..."

Aphrodite sighs to herself, ignoring the ache she plans to drown in alcohol within the hour. She follows the group out, but spares one last glance toward Ethan, even though she shouldn't.

He watches her every move--he didn't take his eyes off when she kissed Colton, and he watches her still. Even when she catches him staring. It makes his ears turn red, and his mouth fall open, and it definitely makes him feel weak--but he needs her to see that he still cares.


shits not good. im sorry about that in advance :///

lmao im updating this early and while on my way to work bc im bored! hope you're all having good days tho <3

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