Chapter 12

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Your alarm kept on ringing, telling you to wake up so you got up and turned it off. After turning your alarm off, you went back to sleep but was disturbed when your phone vibrated. You checked to see that it was your coach.

From: Coach
We'll be there in 15 minutes

When you viewed the message, all you can think of was going back to sleep

"15 minutes? Why?" You said to yourself

Until your brother came bursting through your door

"Oi! What are you doing?! Get up and get ready!" He scolded

"Eh?!!! Why? It's still 3 o'clock in the morning!" You whined

"Today's your departure, right? For training camp?" He said with his arms crossed

Your eyes widen when you realized that you totally forgot. So you sprinted your way towards the bathroom to get ready. Your brother just chuckled and just went downstairs with your bags. After you took a bath, you ran downstairs with your hair still dripping wet.
"Geez sis.... At least dry your hair before you put on some clothes" you brother said then grabbed a towel and started drying your hair. You pouted while he was still drying your hair

"I was in a hurry," you pouted making your brother chuckle

After he finished drying up your hair, he told you to at least comb it before leaving. Your brother can be so caring and overprotective that it can sometimes be a pain in the ass for you but you loved him so much and your far from grateful to have him as your big brother.

After you finally fixed yourself up, you heard a knock. Your brother opened the door, revealing your manager and coach. You picked up your bags and went outside, you settled your bags in the trunk of the bus. You looked back at your parents and hugged them both.

"Take care, sweetie" you mom said and kissed your temple

"Stay safe, princess" your dad said

You pulled away from the hug and looked at your brother. You can't help but feel a little tug of pain in your heart. You went to your brother and hugged him

"I'm gonna miss you, Howl" you said

"It's just 4 weeks, silly" your brother chuckled

You pulled away from the hugged and went to the bus, you faced them one last time and waved. You boarded the bus and smiled at your team, all of you were wearing the (team's name)  t-shirts.

"Tokyo here we come...."


You arrived in Tokyo peacefully since majority of you were asleep since you departed early today. You tapped Izumi's shoulder to wake her up since she's still fast asleep.

All of you were unloading your stuffs off the bus when an old man greeted you. He was wearing Nekoma's jacket

"It's good to see you, Umiko-san" the old man greeted as he neared you

"Oh Coach Nekomata, thank you for the invitation, we really appreciate it" your coach said as they shook each others hand

"(L/n)-san, I'm so glad that you accepted our request" he smiled at you

"It's a pleasure, Coach Nekomata" you smiled back

You excused yourself and went back on helping your teammates with your luggages. When you were all done with the unloading part, you all grabbed your belongings and followed Coach Nekomata to the room you're staying. You looked around and see no one is still around.

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