chapter 14

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Luke's POV

Stay cool

Just keep looking for the costume

Don't stare

You fool!

Keep looking for the costume!

I was trying to keep my focus on the racks of Halloween attire in front of me, but who can do that when Mac Wilson is sitting five feet away from you?

I know I can't.

We were currently trying to find Mac a costume, well I am. She is just sitting staring at something. I wonder what goes on in that pretty head of hers.

What does she think about?

Does she think about me as much as I think about her?

Probably not. She is so gorgeous and I'm just Luke; the 17 year old that has a lip piercing and freakishly long legs. As much as I want to be in a relationship with Mac, I know it will never happen. The most we could be is friends and friends only.

I've liked Mac since the first day of school. I knew who she was, she drove past me in the mornings and sat at the front of the classrooms. When Ben introduced me to her, oh shit, I almost screamed like a school girl.

She was just so nice. I wouldn't talk at all and she could still keep a conversation going.

She's just the perfect height; there have been so many times I've just wanted to run up behind her and wrap her in my arms.

But I can't. I shouldn't be allowing my mind to think of these things.

But how am I not supposed to think these things when I've gotten so close to this gorgeous girl?

My hands are running through the costumes but my mind is running through the perfection of Mac.

Her hair is like fucking velvet. It's actually so soft I almost started crying. She's just so beautiful.

The way her eyes sparkle when she sings and how she only sings for me. Her eyes,

Oh, fuck.

Her eyes are bloody amazing. Legit who has two different colored eyes? They're both so gorgeous I can't ever decide which one I want to look into.

It's hard, having a secret crush on a girl that pity's you for being so shy.


"I am not going to look like a slut." Mac stated sternly.

"But why not? Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it." I smiled sweetly.

"I appreciate your quote of 'Mean Girls' but I prefer to not be judged on my physical appearance." Mac said as she ran her hands through the costumes.

"I thought you didn't care what anyone thought?"

"I don't and I never will. Just because I don't care doesn't mean I should give them something to judge. It's just setting yourself up for it." She shrugged her shoulders.

For another hour or so, Mac and I have been searching for a costume. We have come to the conclusion that if we can't find anything she would just be a penguin like me. Which I wouldn't mind, not at all.

I've shown her multiple costumes she could wear. All the way from a black cat to a banana, but nothing appeals to her.

"Luke I'm tired. Can we go home?" Mac whined.

"But what about your costume? What are you gonna be?" I asked concerned. I made a promise to myself and Mac that we would go trick-or-treating this year whether it was by force or willingly.

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. My heart almost broke when Mac said she forgot all about it. Honestly, who could forget about a holiday that you can dress as anything and get free candy from strangers?

The thought makes me shiver.


Hola chicas
So here are Luke's thoughts
I know they are all over the place but I wanted to give you a peak inside his head
Hopefully going to update more this week because exams are next week but then christmas break!
Adios chicas
(You're welcome for the picture)

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