chapter 13

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Mac's POV

More of my time has been wasted at this stupid Halloween store. Personally trick-or-treating was something I would do with my brother. Once he was in the car accident I just stopped. My brother's name was Lucas. He was the life of the party.

Normally one sibling is quiet and the other is a total polar opposite, but in our case we were both the obnoxious siblings. (Lucas being slightly more) Halloweens were never really the same without the person I grew up doing it with coming along for the night. In the past years I've just forgotten about the holiday. I felt as if I didn't really have a reason to participate anymore.

Clearly my intentions for this year have changed. Instead of sitting on my arse the whole night, pigging out on candy, I- I don't even know what I'm going to be doing. Luke has taken this one day so seriously. It's still almost a month till Halloween!

Luke is being a penguin. A penguin. A fucking penguin. I mean I'm all for being what you want and shit but for a 17 year old boy going trick-or-treating is weird enough, the fact he is dressing up is weirder, and he decides to be a penguin of all things.

This is a whole new level of weird.


My mind has drifted to thinking and my eyes have drifted to Luke. He was currently shifting through racks upon racks of costumes just seeing if there was anything I could dress as.

I never really noticed how attractive he is. My favorite thing about Luke, appearance wise, would have to be his lip piercing. Holy shit, it's hot.

His eyes are just beautiful. Absolutely stunning. The shade of blue can't be recreated. People could try, but never succeed. You can only have a certain amount of one color, and if there is to much or to little it would be way off. They're like a ocean you see in those fancy American places. The kind where you can see your feet even in the water.

His hair. Oh god his hair. He must spend hours getting it to that perfect I-tried-but-i-wanna-make-it-look-like-i-didn't kind of quiff. He once convinced me he woke up like that. I told him only Beyoncé can. He agreed. But the color is what confuses me. Is it blond is it brown? I don't know! But it's hot.

I never really noticed how attractive Luke really is. Like, wow. Observing him now with his eyebrows knitted together, a serious concentrated look on his face, he is just so attractive.

His jaw line, HIS JAW LINE. That feature is so sharp, so elegant, it could cut through a brick.

His body is so proportional. Like, his legs and arms and torso all fit so well.

It's as if each piece of him was specifically picked and altered to create the perfect person.

I broke my stare at Luke and looked at the ground, eyes widening in realization.

I like Luke. Not like the oh-he's-a-good-friend kind of way, hell no.

I'm talking about the you-could-be-a-potential-boyfriend kind of way.


Hola muchachas
Here we have Mac's thoughts
They are clearly on point
I may update again tonight
Or tomorrow
Sometime soon I swear
Have a great day/night lovelies!

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