Chapter 17- Truly the truth

Start from the beginning

"Thanos... he said I had three options. Forget about them and continue to run from them. Change my identity, or take that anger and rule the world."

"Are you going to pick one? Or... what?"

"I don't know! I guess I could just change my identity."


I looked at Rocket and saw the fear in his eyes. "Rocket. I promise no matter what my decision is, I will NEVER forget you!" 

I gave Rocket a hug and he hugged back. "By the way! Bruce is coming to keep an eye on you."

"Oh! Perfect!" 

Rocket took a seat from the back of the room and brought it closer to me. Rocket and I sat there for some time playing cards. Everything was going fine until... I couldn't breathe. I started to cough and the machine next to me started to beep.

"HELP! PLEASE! SOMEONE!!" Rocket yelled. "It's ok. I'm right here! It's going to be ok. Bruce is coming right now."

Bruce aggressively opened the door and ran over to Rocket and me.

"She just... she just started to cough!"

"Alright, she's going to be ok." Bruce gave me a shot and I felt instant relief. "All better!"

"You had no idea whether or not that would work. Did you?" I asked him.

"What are you talking about! Of course, I did!"

"Yep. Sure."

"Hey! I heard what happened! Y/n, are you ok?" Peter asked me.

"Bruce, let's get out of here." Rocket said. Rocket mouthed something to me but I couldn't make it out. 

"Yeah! I-I'm fine."

"Y/n, is there something going on?"

"Yeah... and I really need to tell you."

"Yeah for sure! You can tell me anything!"

"When I was dead for those four hours, I was at this beach. There I saw Luca and... Thanos..."

"What? But he's dead."

"So was I."

"What about Luca? I thought he was still alive."

"Oh yeah, there's another thing I need to tell you. I originally came here to gain your's and the Avengers trust. After that, I was supposed to kill you all. When the organization realized I had left for space with you guys, they killed Luca. His mission was to keep me on earth."

"You were going to kill me?!"

"Yeah, but after about a week in a half, I kinda fell in love with you!"


"Anyways... Luca was saying that my parents were alive."

"That's good news!"

"No. They're hunting me down."


"Thanos said I had three options. I could keep things the same and continue to get hunted down, change my identity, or... rule the world. If I rule the world, then I'll finally be safe. I'll be one step ahead of them the entire time."

"There has to be something else!"

"Peter, I don't want to be on the run my entire life!"

"You're joking... right? Y/n there has to be something else we can do!"

"I mean, I'm open to suggestions..."

"Well! I-I... uh... I'm not letting anything else happen to you!"

"That doesn't change the fact that I'm literally being hunted like a deer."

"True. But there has to be something else we can do! Y/n. We have come so far! We can't give up now."

"Well... I just don't know what to do!"


"Let's just... make the best out of the time we have now!"

"Ok... well, where should we start?"

"Did I tell you that I'm the protector of the stones?"

"No, I don't think you mentioned that!"


Peter and I talked the entire day. I really loved him. He was my comfort. He was my rock. He was always right by my side no matter how things went. I don't know what I was going to do. I didn't want to leave him. I truly, really didn't. I couldn't keep running from them... I knew that would never be an option. 

Peter fell asleep on the bed next to mine. I laid there with my eyes open, unable to fall asleep. I wanted to get some melatonin or something but I wasn't supposed to walk yet because of the stitches on my feet and ankle. I just laid there facing Peter. I saw his curly hair and couldn't resist. I started playing with it and making it all messy. He was so adorable. Eventually, I finally drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and realized Peter had left. "Peter?" I whispered quietly. I stood up, forgetting about my feet and ankles. I opened the door and saw all the Avengers staring at me with dark eyes. 


They were all suited up, and ready to attack. 

"Sam what's going on?" I asked him tugging on his arm. I got no response and became extremely anxious. "What is going on?!" I thought to myself. Sam knocked me to the floor using the shield Cap gave him and Peter webbed me to the ground. 

"PETER! Please! You have to tell me what's going on!!" 

Bucky dragged me out of the room, but... everything looked different. He dragged me to what I thought was my room, but it was changed. In the room, the furniture was shredded. It was now a black and grey room. I looked up and saw Thanos sitting on a stool with my notebook in his hand. 

Bucky threw me to the ground and locked the door. 

"What is going on?!" I asked Thanos desperately.

"You never should have left the hospital!" He said picking my chin up. 


"You're running out of time young one. Next thing you know, they will all be dead. Every single one of them. Your parents are stronger and more powerful than you think."

He threw my face back to the ground. 


I woke up suddenly screaming with fear. It was all a dream...

"Hey. You ok?" Peter said sleepily.

I backed away from him quickly with fear.

"Y/n? What happened?"

"... W-would you ever try and hand me over to Thanos?" 

"What are you talking about? Y/n! I think it was all just a dream!" He said trying to grab my hand. I pulled my hand closer and stayed quiet.

"What can I do to help?" He asked. 

I looked at him wondering if I could trust him. 



"Can you sleep with me?"

I laid back down in bed. Peter joined me and made me feel safe and secure. Now I could finally sleep. I finally felt safe...

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