She still haunts me

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Izuku's POV
Y/n Is doing a lot better after we got her a therapist she is 100% her self. Today is her first day back to school after taking a long break for her mental health. I am glad I get to see her laugh and smile for real for now on.

I am so nervous going back to school there is supposed to be a festival or something. I am excited about that but not for everything else. The word of what happened got out and now the whole school knows what I did. I just hope I don't get picked on today I feel better but I don't think I could handle that.

My therapist is really nice she kinda reminds me of Alex. I miss Alex I wonder if I will see her today. I got up early so I could be the first one there. Every time I am alone something happens tho. The whole school grouped up around me or at least most of the school.

"Why are you still here!"

"Yeah you should be kicked out."

"You killed your mother why are you still here."

Everyone was yelling at me and I couldn't take it I ran back to the dorms. I ran past Izuku on the way.

"Hey Y/n where are you going?"

"The school hates me. I need to be alone right now!"

"Oh ok."

I didn't stop I just kept going until the door closed in my room. I changed clothes and started looking through my stuff.

"She is not even alive and my life is still HELL!!!!! Because of her!!!!"

I Tour through all of my stuff finding anything that any of my family have given me. As I was throwing stuff away I found my grandmas teddy bear she gave me a long time ago. Wired because I don't remember having it when I was living with Izuku. I was looking at it and I found a tag on it's back that said pull me. So I did and there was I zipper there and a note inside.

Dear Y/n
        My sweet girl I hope you find this and if you do there is something I hope you will be able to do. If you are a hero I have chosen you to take my place in this awful world. I can see that you are going to be a hero. I just hope that you except this and stop your mother from doing something horrible. If she is already gone tho make sure your sister doesn't take her place. To do all of this I need you to go to America your grandpa lives in Texas at a little farm called Mick's farm house. I should be buried there under a tree there.If you do this you will be training to be my successor and if you have done will you will get my katana.

                                       Love grandma

Wow now it's up to me what am I supposed to do with this. I guess there is only one thing. I am glad grandma chose me I will not let her down. Sister most likely took mother's place. But what is the plan what did mother what so bad. I guess I will find out one day.

Knock knock


I shoved the paper back to where it belonged.

"Hey angel Eri is here and she wants to see you."

"Oh ok I am coming."

"Did you want to walk around with us you can if you want."

"Ummm I don't know."

"If anyone says anything I will smash them into the sun."

"Hahah ok."

I don't know if I should tell Izuku he is already worried about me. I am not going to not yet hopefully he will understand.

"Hey Izuku?"

"Yes angel?"

"If...if I left to find myself for us.....wou....would you wait for me to come back.....or would you move on?"

"I would wait for you of course. Why?"

"Just asking."

"Are you leave?"

"Haha no."

"Oh ok."

We walked Eri around school. And some kids gave me a look every now and then. Eri was getting excited to see everything and the concert I was excited to. Even tho I was not apart of it I was still excited about it.

Later in Izuku's room

"Hahaha haha that was not me that was you!!"

"No you took my All Might figure and said now you fly and throw him on the roof of the school."

"I don't remember that and if it was me I am sorry haha."

"Yeah right."

"What I am not Bakugo I wouldn't do something like that on purpose."

"Hmm true you wouldn't."

"Hahah haha oh wait it was me."

"Oh you little come here."

"Aaaah no no no please don't tickle me aaaaah hahah haha!"

He grabbed me by my hips and dragged me off the bed on the fool and started tickling me to death. Soon tickling became pinching and he's peaches hurt like hell.

"Ow ok ok ok I am sorry hahaha."

"Good that's all I wanted haha."

He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips and laid on my. He stared in my eyes and caressed my cheek.

"Haha what?"

"Nothing just think about how much I love you."

"Forever no matter what?"

"Yeah forever no matter what."

"I love you too hero."

Why do you love me? (Izuku x reader) pt1 (complete) Where stories live. Discover now