Chapter 21:

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"Dad! Careful, you almost burnt me!" I scream out as grease splatters on to the pavement. Dad didn't even hesitate to drop the turkey into the turkey fryer and the boiling hot grease almost hit me in the face. Thank god my concussion didn't damage my reflexes, or I'd be taking another trip to the hospital. It's Thanksgiving, and as usual Mom kicked me out of the kitchen for burning yet another round of rolls. I attempted to help her and Grandma Rovotia make the Mac'n Cheese, the mash potatoes, and the stuffing, but they wouldn't let me near anything else as soon as the oven started smoking, so they kicked me out here to help Dad, but clearly this wasn't a good idea either.

I'd spent the week doing basically nothing, except going to school the two days we had it this week. I'm banned from practicing or even being allowed on the ice until I have written consent from my doctor. So to say I'm going out of my mind of boredom, is an understatement. I'm hoping today with my family will help subside some of the restlessness I've been feeling.

Leaving dad to his devices I go inside to the living room where Grandpa Phil and Koa are painting. As I reach them Koa holds up his hand, which is covered in orange paint, before he slaps it down to make a turkey.

"Careful, if you get any paint on the carpet or the furniture, Mom might disown you," I warn, "Or worse take away your iPad!"

Koa sticks his tongue out at me, "Mom would never! I'm her favorite!" He says, I roll my eyes, reminding myself not to say anything to mean because he's only nine.

I sit cross-legged on the floor in front of them, and watch Grandpa Phil help Koa decorate the fat bird. Pulling out my phone, I check my messages, and respond to all of my friends 'Happy Thanksgiving' messages. Aunt Addie is running late as usual, and I couldn't wait for her to get here. She always bought me a full bottle of wine, even though Mom protested it. The best part of Thanksgiving is getting wine drunk with Aunt Addie, and hearing about all of her college stories.

She's in grad school now getting her PhD in Physics, she'll graduate in a year and then move across the country to the East Coast, where she is getting way more job offers.

As I'm tapping through Griffin's Instagram my phones rings as an unknown number starts to call me. I debate on letting it go to voicemail, before I sigh and decide it's better to check and make sure it isn't someone important.

"Max?" Bo's voice asks across the phone line. His voice isn't calm and steady like usual but rather frantic and shaky.

"Bo? What's wrong?"

"My dad, he, uh, he's on a rampage. Look, I know it's Thanksgiving, and you're with your family, but you're the only one who knows about my home life..."

"Say no more, I'll come get you. You can join my family and I for Thanksgiving." I don't hesitate to reassure him that my family wouldn't mind, and I promise to be over at his as soon as I can. I hang up my phone and find Grandpa Phil eyeing me. I stand up from the ground quickly.

"Will you tell my parents, I'll be back in twenty, and to add another place at the dining table? My friend is going to join us."

Grandpa Phil nods, understanding the loyalty I have to my friends. I thank him then run to grab my coat, keys, and shoes before I'm out the door.


Bo's sitting on the curb outside of his house as I pull up. He has his hood on, and his head bowed in his hands. I park my jeep and shut it off before I climb out and go to sit down next to him.

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