~ Chapter 9 ~

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Ondreaz POV

We woke up early in the morning and drove to the hospital. We walked in and signed in, the nurse told us which room she was in, and we headed over. We opened the door and she was laying there. It hurt to see her so lifeless! I looked at Tony and he was crying, I took y/n's hand and held it like it was a fragile flower. I got the chills for a second. I hope she is okay..


What the hell is going on? I looked at my body laying on the bed, i seemed fine. I wasn't flat lining or anything. I paced the room trying to find out what was going on, until i heard the door open. I looked and saw Dre and Tony. "Tony! Dre! I'm so glad you came-" I said going to give them a hug, till i noticed they couldn't hear or feel me. I started crying, hard. I went right through Dre. My body was so limp! Was i in a coma? What was happening. I dont understand! Why me? I'm freaking out. I started to hyperventilate until i passed out. 

Tony POV (Short)

We have been sitting here for at least an hour, till i see her stirring around a little. We started saying her name, trying to get her to wake up. When she didn't wake up for a while we knew to just let her sleep. Me and Dre started to get comfy and ended up falling asleep.


I woke up in my bed again. I sat up and looked behind me, i was back! TO ME!! Yess! I looked to my side to see Tony and Dre sleeping. "Tony! Dre! I am okay!" I said happily. They woke up and came to hug me. "We thought you weren't going to wake up.." Tony said sadly. You can tell they had been crying, their eyes were puffy and red. "I wouldn't do that to you guys." I said looking at them in the eyes and smiling. "I had the craziest thing happen to me.." I said remembering the whole thing. "What happened?" Ondreaz asked. "Well.. I guess it was a dream, but when i woke up it was like i left my body. I was me, but it wasnt me. I was like a ghost. I saw you guys walk in but you couldnt hear me or feel me. i tried to hug you but i couldnt." I said starting to cry. "Is that why i got chills when i walked in?" Ondreaz asked. "Could be!" I said. The nurse came in and told the boys to leave. We said goodbye and she gave me the medicine to get rid of the head ache and body ahces. I soon fell asleep after that. 

When i woke up again, i sat up again and it was happening again. This time i was calmer since i knew i would wake up, but i still wasn't understanding why it was happening. Why can' t i sleep like a normal person? I sat down in the chair next to my bed and studied my scars and wounds. There was a big scar on my stomach that went from my hip to my rib cage. I had an even bigger one on my left leg that went all the way up from below my knee cap to my upper thigh. My face had some pretty ugly scars too. I sat there until i was so tired i couldnt help but fall asleep again. Finally. 

Ondreaz POV

We went back home and we watched some TV. We were calm once we knew she was safe.. I miss her so much. I made some chicken and grabbed a beer out of the fridge. We ate dinner and didn't talk much. We still didnt make tiktoks or anything but we made an instagram post about Y/n, explaining the situation and making sure they knew she would be okay. We went to the skatepark and rode around for a while before it started to grow dark and we headed home to get some sleep at a more regular time tonight. 

Tony Lopez ~ High school Drop outOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant