Part 6 ~ The Party

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Ondreaz POV

I found out that Y/n was throwing a party so I DMed her saying I was coming. She didn't reply until about 45 minutes later when she said that it started at 6:30. I was 5:45 so I decided to get ready. I showered and messed with my hair until it looked good, then got on some black jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger shirt with a red belt. I put in my earrings and necklaces. I posted some pictures on the gram before leaving at 6:10. I got in my car and headed over. I opened the door and Tony and Y/n were setting up the drinks. 

"Hey Dre!" Y/n said.

"Hey guys! Do you guys need any help?" I asked.

"Sure. Can you go upstairs and make sure that the doors are locked?" Y/n asked, handing me three keys. 

"Okay." I went upstairs and locked all the rooms.  I came back downstairs and I sat down at the island.

"Can I connect to the Bluetooth?" I asked.

"Sure but just make sure it's not shitty music." Y/n said, Tony agreeing with her. 

"Ight bet." I walked over to the speakers that were next to the hallway. I turned off the Bluetooth on Y/n's phone that was sitting on the table next to it and connected mine. I went to the bathroom for a sec, but on my way I smelled something. I followed the smell, bringing me into Y/n's room. It smelled like weed. I turned around and went back over, pausing the music. I looked at their eyes.

"What?" Tony and Y/n asked.

"Are you guys high?" I asked, getting kinda angry.

"Ondreaz please don't tell anyone." Said Y/n

"What the fuck guys!" I shouted. "You guys can't have a party if you're high!" I said, still yelling.

"Why not? It's not gonna do anything. People will still get high anyways! It doesn't matter." Said Y/n

"Fine. But you guys promise not to do it again?" I said, pointing to Tony.

"Okay we promise." Said Tony. 

~ Time Skip to Party ~


Everyone was already here, and we were listening to Dre's freak playlist. "The Take" by Chris Brown started playing and everyone was grinding on each other, drunk or high or even both. The lights were dancing to the music. I found Ondreaz and we started dancing. We were laughing and having a good time. I started twerking and shit, just messing around. Ondreaz was behind me with his hands on my hips, grinding on me. I turned around and kept dancing when I felt arms wrap around my hips. I turned around and I saw Tony. 

"Hey baby!" He said drunkly

"Hey Tony! Are you having fun?" I said practically yelling since the music was so loud.

"I'm having a great time," He said.

"good. Can you get me and Dre some shots?" I asked him.

"Sure I'll be back in a sec." He said walking over to the drinks.

I looked back in front of me and Dre was just standing there kinda awkwardly. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked him. 

"Nothing," he said smiling.

A while had passed by without Tony coming back so I dragged Dre to the drinks and we got the shots ourselves. I didn't see Tony around, and I gotta admit I was a little bit horny even after the whole thing with Tony. After me and Dre took our shots, we took a few more rounds to the point where me and Dre were wasted. He dragged me down the hall to my room and we opened the door. We found some people having sex and quickly closed the door, laughing. We weren't able to get a good look at who they were. I grabbed his hand that didn't have his drink in it and lead him upstairs to my parents' room. I unlocked the door with the key and we went inside, locking it behind us. We started making out, Dre pushing me up against the wall. My legs were wrapped around his hips and I was pretty much soaking. He took me to the bed and quickly slipped off my clothes, doing the same to his after. We were both naked and horny motherfuckers. Damn. Well you know what that means! He was about to go in when I blocked it, grabbing a condom from the pocket of my skirt. He slipped it on, then with out hesitating shoved it in with no warning. "FUCK!" I yelled, not expecting his length to be so big. This was only the third time I had sex. The first time with a guy During my sophomore year, then Tony, now Dre. It still kinda hurt but not nearly as bad as my first time. "Damn how are you so tight baby?" He asked. He started slow, picking up his pace with every thrust. He went faster and faster to the point where I was pretty much screaming. "I'm g-gonna c-cum!!" I said, and with that he pulled out. "Why did you do that?" I asked, whining. "You'll see babygirl" He said, winking at me. He flipped me over and held my hands behind my back, putting his extra hand over my neck. He once again put it in, going hard and fast. I was a moaning mess, my hair was a mess, my makeup was a little bit smudged, and Dre was sweating like a horse. He went as fast as he could, making my stomach knot and I creamed all over his dick. I could feel his dick twitching inside of me, and then I felt the condom expand. He pulled out and took off the condom, filled with cum. "That was the best sex I've ever had" I said, panting. "Same!" He replied, quickly getting dressed. We got dressed and cleaned up before going back downstairs. I looked down the hall and saw that my door was open, so I went to walk back in there. I opened the door more to see a sweaty Tony. My mouth dropped. I did just bang his brother, though, so I guess I was guilty too. "Y/n wait it's not what it looks like!" He said, scared to death. "It's fine, I guess we are both guilty," I said looking at the ground. "What? Wait who did you have sex with?" He asked confused. "Um.. I-I kinda-.." I said stuttering. "Who was it?" He asked. "Dre.." I said under my breath. I turned red, him as well. "Well then.. I guess I should tell you who I had it with. I had It with Addison."  He said looking guilty. We just sat there, until we heard sirens outside. FUCK! "Tony we need to go!" I shouted, grabbing his arm.

A/n: Heyyy! So I hope you guys liked this chapter, it's going to be a very interesting chapter next time as well. Love ya!!

Tony Lopez ~ High school Drop outTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang