Chapter 5: Our first mission

Comincia dall'inizio

"Hmph! Whatever insect!" She yells this before she runs off into the woods..

I once again breathe over and over trying to keep my cool...

She's gonna be a handful...but i'll just be sure to be a handful back..

I then smirk in the direction she went..

^~^Y/n's pov^~^

Damn both of them are loud and annoying, oh well what can I really do? Plus whatever they have to say I can make sure they'll never say it again.

We all were in the common room relaxing and Yami called Magna to go on a mission with him.

"CAN I GO WITH YOU!?" Asta yells.

"no it is something real men have to do"

"Whaaa but i'm a real man!"

Time skip~

We were all doing our own thing in the lounge. I then saw something in the corner of my eye. Magna and Yami were....naked...

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yell

"AHHHHHHHH!!" Noelle screams and blushes in embarrassment .

"We got a job for you guys to do." Yami says as he points at me, Asta, Noelle and Shea.


"And Magna  you are on babysitting duty" Yami says.


"Oh great, another knucklehead is coming with us." I say.


"Are you deaf or something?" I say with a sigh.

"You are going to go and take out some of the boars that are ruining the crops in a village," Yami explains.

"Alright" We all say.

^~^shea's POV^~^

As we headed outside to leave for the mission Magna asked us all what we had to transport ourselves to the location..

I then use my magic to summon Tarius..

"Astrology magic..Sagittarius is horse.." Then not too long after..Tarius appears at my side..

Magna nods toward me..he then looks toward Noelle and Asta..

"What about you guys? Do you know how to use a broom?" He asks as he raises a brow..

"Nope! I don't have a single drop of magic power!" Asta says this with if he is proud that he doesn't..

"WHY DO YOU SOUND SO PROUD ABOUT THAT!?" Magna yells this as he then tries to calm himself down..

He then looks to Noelle..only to get a negative response from her as well..

He then sighs and walks back over to the hideout..

Once he comes back we see a really corny looking broom in his grasp..

"Since you guys can't fly i'll have to take you.." He says this as he motions them to get on..

They do as told..Magna then tries his hardest to try and lift all three of them...'damn there goes a lot of his energy..'

He then yells to the top of his lungs while getting even closer to his goal..

Once reached he has a small celebration..and we were off to do our first mission..

^~^Y/n's POV^~^

I expanded my wings and followed the rest toward our first mission..

Which really wasn't a mission..but another task that consisted of Yami's dirty work..

Once we made it over there, Asta immediately went to go rangle these boars...which may I add was he not the smartest idea..

The boar erupted into flames and chased after Asta..I then stood in front of Asta..and the bull froze..

I looked fiercely into his..he then looked down scared..then walked away..

"Whew! Thanks Y/n.." He says with a smile of relief..

I close my eyes then hit him in the head..

"You need to stop being so reckless, you hear?" I say with slight worry and annoyance in my voice..

"Yes ma'am!" He says as he bows..

I then started to walk away from he walked over to Noelle..

Him and Noelle then started to deal with the boars as I saw that girl Shea playing with boars..

I stare for a sec..till I walk my way over to her..

"How are you doing that?" I ask as I look at her then the boar..

"Oh..astrology magic..cancer's mind control.." She says as she taps her head..

I nod then start with my own group of boars..

The dark guardian ( Finral x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora