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"Threatened by a ruthless demon, humanity was on the brink of destruction. All seemed lost until a lone mage stepped forward and took up the fight. After his triumph, he was hailed as the Wizard King and his story became a legend."

^~^Y/n's backstory^~^

"Yeah yeah whatever I just want to get out of this book already or whatever it's called"

"Man I haven't got out in such a long time jeez I wonder what is taking so long?"

No one was around to hear me no one ever was. I was just a lost soul that died long ago with the monster attack.

I don't have anyone to talk to, never will until I am released from this hell that holds me here. I am the demon that can not be held here anymore.

All I can do is wait. I just wish I wasn't alone.

*~Shea's backstory~*

Shealynn Mendoza..that was the name that was left in the basket I came in.

Or at least that's what the people that found me said...oh yeah my guardians..well I wouldn't call them my guardians.

I'd really call them the monsters under my bed. They are evil'd think they weren't... you know since they took me in when I was an infant.

But nope..whenever I did something wrong..their only solution to the so-called problem was to hit me or lock me up with nothing for 3 days straight.

Really...I want to become a magic knight to not only escape this hell home..but to prove those awful excuses of guardians wrong.

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