
It was finally lunchtime and Renjun was more than excited to finally eat something but was quickly interrupted as a group of girls stopped him pulling him in to a room "W-who-" but he was quickly cut off by a harsh voice "Shut up you fag listen here i will only say it once stay away from the Dreamies why would they love someone as fat and ugly like you they still love us they just don't want to admit it yet so stay away and please cut yourself open so you die you disgusting fag!!" She said leaving Renjun on the floor with tears in his eyes 'They're right why would they love someone fat and ugly as me' he thought to himself suddenly losing all his appetite letting the words get to him

"Where's Renjun??" Mark asked the two nomin "He went to the bathroom saying he'll catch up" Jeno responded so they waited and waited till the break was over and Renjun still was nowhere to be found "Lets search for him maybe something happened to him!" So they parted and went to search for their boyfriend but he wasn't there "Maybe he went back home?!" Chenle thought running out of the school building

After he got to Renjuns house he took the keys that were hid under the plant vase and entered placing it back to its place "Renjun baby are you here!" he walked around going upstairs to hear sniffles coming out of Renjuns room so Chenle quickly entered thinking that he might be hurt and the scene he saw before him broke his heart

Renjun was curled up in a ball beside his bed with a razor bade in his hand which he had used to cut his left wrist "Baby...why who - who hurt you?" Chenle asked tears already running down his cheek making the boy only cry harder so so he came closer to Renjun taking the blade out of his hand throwing it away putting some ointment to treat the wounds it was quiet only Renjuns light sobbing was heard "Now tell me what happened ok?" He placed his hand under Renjuns chin making the boy look up


"Those rats i'll kill then the next time i see them!" Chenle said pulling Renjun in a comforting hug "Don't theyre a somehow right i did gain some weight and i don't really deserve you guys..." he lets out a sad chuckle "Baby don't think that you're perfect your body is just perfect and we don't deserve you!" he said placing sweet kisses on his face making the boy giggle "But still i gained some weight..." he said pouting showing his tummy pinching his imaginary fat so Chenle placed his cold hand on Renjuns tummy kissing it trailing his hand up and down telling him that it was perfect and they loved his soft tummy
makin Renjun whine

🔞Smut ahead skip if you're uncomfortable🔞

"You're so perfect baby you dont even know the things you do to me- to us!" His kisses trailing up to Renjuns neck as he was now gently placed on the others lap still sitting on the floor letting out a moan making the top hard at the sinful sound leaving the boys mouth his hand trailed to Renjuns sensible nipples playing with them


"So pretty for hyung like always and so wet look how much your cute dick is leaking and twitching~"

"Hyung dont say that!"

They were both naked still now on the bed with Chenle leaning his back against the headboard while Renjuns on his lap squirming since his hyumg would touch him everywhere except his dick caressing the soft thighs slowly moving to his dick not touching it "Hyuuung don't tease!!" Renjun whined wrapping his arms around his neck sniffling as he was desperate for his hyungs touch

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