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Everyone is born with a soulmate, a perfect match. Someone that will always love them, unconditionally. When you come into the world the first words that your soulmate will ever speak to you are etched onto the skin of your wrist in their handwriting. Yuri Plisetsky is not everyone, Yuri plisetsky does not have a soulmate. Instead of beautiful, thoughtful words he just has a scribble and Yuri is perfectly okay with that. Yuri has never needed someone to love him unconditionally. He does not need a mother, he does not need a father, he doesn't even need friends. He can do everything on his own. That's why he's completely unprepared when Victor announces that he's going to be choreographing his short program to Agape.

"Switch them!" he screams at victor, "That piece isn't me at all!"

"You have to do the opposite of what people expect. How else will you surprise them? That's my motto" Yuri wants to punch that stupid smug smile off of his stupid face. "Actually, you're both far more ordinary and mediocre than you think." Yuri might actually kill him. He's so angry that he really doesn't hear much of what Victor says, until he's declaring that he won't work with them if he doesn't match their standards. How dare Victor compare him to that stupid pig Katsuki, he hasn't even made his senior debut yet but he already knows that he'll defeat the japanese skater. If Victor needs proof of that then he'll provide it.

"Fine. I'll skate to Agape. My senior division debut depends on it!" Yuri yells "You'd better give me a program that'll let me win!"

"It's up to you whether you win or not. If I skated the program, I'd win for sure, though" Yuri is really really going punch him.

"If I win, Victor, you're coming back to Russia and you're becoming my coach!" Yuri needs Victor. He needs to win with this debut, He needs to prove to everyone that he's not just some kid and if he needs to skate to agape then he will. Even if he's not someone who will ever experience that kind of unconditional love.

If Yuri is really honest with himself he wasn't at all surprised that Victor took off to Japan at the first chance he got. With both of them training under Yakov for so long Yuri had plenty of chances to see the words etched on Victor's wrist, 'Victor, my family runs a hot spring resort, so please come.' Yuri thought that it was a stupid first sentence, clearly Victor's soulmate would be a fan and fans were all annoying. The first time Victor had shown it to him Yuri had made sure to announce how stupid he thought it was. Since the words were in english it was clear that whoever Victor's soulmate would be they didn't speak russian. Still though, Yuri couldn't help but feel envious, he saw the way that Victor would caress the words on his arm. He saw Victor's lips move silently as he spoke the words to himself with a loving look in his eyes. He saw the look on Victor's face at the banquet when that stupid loser Yuuri Katsuki announced that his family owned a hotspring and he wanted Victor to be his coach.

So really Yuri was not surprised when Victor went to Japan. He was just pissed that Victor had forgotten his promise so easily, all because his stupid soulmate had revealed themselves. Yuri was really really pissed off, and that's the only reason he couldn't figure out to fake the 'agape' that Victor wanted him to express with his short program.

"Hmm, something isn't right here." Victor says thoughtfully as he calls Yuri to a stop. Yuri is tired and feeling frustrated, no matter how many times he goes through the program Victor still tells him he's doing it wrong.

"I'm doing it like you showed me, aren't I?" Yuri snaps.

"The way you currently are, your greed is too obvious. There's no sense of the agape, the unconditional love. It's good to have confidence, but this program isn't where you should show it off."

"Huh? You're the one who's skated with complete confidence this whole time! Well, what's agape to you, then, Victor!?"

"It's a feeling, of course, so I could never explain it in words." Victor's got that stupid smile on his face again and Yuri really really really wants to hit him. "Do you bother thinking about that when you skate? You're funny, Yurio. Well, Maybe we need a temple."

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