Chapter 1: why?

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Why? that was the only question that Brianna Olton had for her father. You see her life was as easy as that she had friends, a love life and best of all a kick ass reputation and moving would ruin that simple melody of it.

Now that's not how her father life is his is much harder more gruesome and deadly if  i dare to say... Lets make it clearer he kills for money LOTS of money. that's what gave the family a boost in society.

"but why?!" yelled  Brianna from the other side of the table.
"briar not now. i'm going to bed." her father said rubbing his temples standing up.
"no tell me. why do we have to leave everything its not FARE!"
fumed Brianna stomping over to her father grabbing her fathers wrist. he whipped around and pushed her away, storming up the stairs and to his room.

Brianna was furious.She then went up the stairs and into her room. Her room held a wall with string held up with pins, holding photos of her friends and family the only thing was... half of her family were dead,missing,and on the run. The only people who stuck around were her dad,her dog and well- that's it. 

Her room was filled with colour you could even say it was a rainbow,but her life wasn't that happy or normal. But you can dream, right ?

In the other room sat her father on the bed racking his hands through his hair slouched over. He hated it . He despised it. See even he used to be normal.


Kevin Olton, one of the most popular and well known guys in school loved his life. However it soon turned sour. That was the turn it took after he met Tiara Fisher. Tiara wasn't cold hearted but she didn't open up easy.   But lucky Kevin managed to open her up. See they were dating and to be honest quite happy together. 

He and Tiara had a date later that night. He had slicked his hair gotten his jacket and walked to Tiaras house.Walking in the door was open. he quietly pushed the door open and all he saw was red. Tiara lay there with blood gushing out of her head and stomach. 

A hooded man stood in front of her holding a gun.He quickly snapped around and held the gun towards Kevins head preparing to shoot

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