Death P.A.C.T.

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Tree: So on a scale of 1/10 what would give the restaurant

Liy: Well the food was awful

Pen: Sniff sniff

Remote: The menu looked like a 5yo made it

Pillow: Gee thanks

Remote: Also the waiter kept on sucking up our food

Blackhole: Ahah wonder who did that...

Liy: but the Comedy was the only good thing

Tree: They kicked me out of the kitchen so I had nothing else to but to tell funny stories

Remote: so 10/10 for the comedy

Liy: -10/10 for the other things

Pen: :(

Tree: Well what if I told you guys that it was supposed to be a date

Remote: ...

Liy: ohhhh yeahhhh...

Liy: I was thinking you guys were doing it like how beep did with Balloony and Cloudy

Tree: Eh we were too lazy

Pen changed Liy to needy

Needy: fUCK YOU


Neddy changed to Liy

Pen: Whatever

Pen is offline

Pie: Welp peace

Pie is offline

Tree: I'm going to the park, who wants to join

Pen is online

Pen: To get drugs then yes

Tree: NO, go to Gelatin or Firey Jr for that


Pen is offline

Bottle: I'll come

Blackhole: Yep

Liy: me And remote are coming

Tree: Alright ill drive us there

Everyone is offline

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