chapter 2: Stalker

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Potter was acting strange. Not that Draco cared or anything. It was just weird is all.

Whenever they accidentally made eye contact, the Gryffindor would get a panicked look on his face. He'd trip over things and cause a commotion.

It was a lovely October day, and Draco couldn't help noticing how gorgeous it was. The Forbidden Forest looked so serene, and all of the leaves had already changed to pretty autumn colors.

Draco strode past Hagrid's Hut, finding his way to the edge of the forest. He glanced over his shoulder, making sure no one was there, and he headed into the wood, stealthily. Eventually, he reached his favorite spot. It was a small brook, with sparkling water, an unnatural shade of blue, and looked as if it had come from the ocean.

He dropped his bag, pulling out his D.A.D.A (Defense Against The Dark Arts) homework, and began answering the questions. He wet his quill into the ink bottle, and wrote his name across the top of the page.

Draco L. Malfoy. 6th yr.

He cringed slightly. He hated his name. He hated who he was. He hated everything that branded him to being a Malfoy. He had often begged some unknown force for a different last name. Maybe it was God who he prayed to but he was never sure.

He knew even if he changed his last name, it didn't make him any less of a Malfoy. It was in his blood. The last name didn't change that.

Every Malfoy was a Death Eater who served the Dark Lord. Everyone expected Draco to become one as well. "To uphold the family name" his father would say. But that was not part of Draco's plan.

After finishing his homework, he yanked out a small scroll that read,

Meet me in the Astronomy Tower tonight, 10pm. I'll be waiting.

He shuddered. There was no way in Oblivion he was going there. Meeting Zane would mean giving up everything he stood for. Everything he worked for. No. Never.

Zane Edwards was a Ravenclaw who had made sure that anyone who messed with Draco would pay. Zane had told Draco he liked him during 4th year, right before the Yule Ball.

"Draco?" Zane asked.

Draco turned to see the Ravenclaw, "Yeah?"

Zane leaned in, closely, "I need you... I need you to know."

The blonde furrowed his brow in confusion, "Know what?"

"That I," He leaned in closer, putting a hand on Draco's upper thigh, "fancy you... and I want you to know that I'm willing to do anything to make sure you feel the same."

Draco had jumped off the black leather couch, "Don't bloody touch me! I'm not into you, okay?! I have a girlfriend!"

That's right. Pansy had been his girlfriend. They had dated for a little under a year. That's what everyone figured, but it had only been two weeks. Pansy had told Draco she had feelings for someone else. Feelings for someone that remained nameless.

Draco blinked. It had been two years... shouldn't Zane have just gotten over it?

He flipped the page over, and shuttered at the words:

I know you want me, D. I know you do. I'll make it worth your time... every minute of it.

The blonde gagged, tossing the paper into the water. Zane Edwards was a sick person. There wasn't anyone in the world he wanted less.

Draco was straight, so how couldn't Edwards see it? He was straight. He'd never felt anything for anyone. Especially a bloke.

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