Chapter One

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     Gabe had sent me to go get snacks for him at the local pharmacy. I took the long way home so I wouldn't have to see him as much tonight. My teacher gave us some homework. I had to draw a picture of our family and present it to the class on Monday. With the money Gabe took from me and claimed was his, because "I own you which means this is MY money", I bought some markers. I hid them in my backpack so hopefully he won't find out. Halfway through the walk, I realized Mom was going to be home early! That means we get to go to Montauk tonight! With that in my mind, I ran all the way home.

"Hello Mr. Todd! Bye Mr. Todd!" I shouted at the tenant. He was good friends with my mom, so that means he's my friend to.

"Hello Miss Jackson." He chuckled under his breath as he saw me zoom to the stairs. On the third floor, I flied past Peter's room as I know I'll see him on Monday. I opened the door to a horrible stench. Gabe was screaming and Mom was crying out.

"You filthy whore! You know all the money you make goes right to me! And yet you keep spending it on that stupid bitch you call a daughter so you guys can have fun!" With that, he hit her upside the head with his beer bottle. His broke on contact and the glass shattered everywhere. Sally slumped to the floor, eyes dim and lifeless, as blood pooled around her head. Bruises and cuts were seen here and there on her body, as she was beaten before Pearl got home.

"MOMMY!" Pearl cried out, as she attempted to run to her mother's body. Before she could reach it, Gabe took her by the shirt and threw her to the wall. She slid down in pain. Breathing was difficult, but knew she had to call out.

"AUNT MAY! AUNT MAY!" She screamed as loud as she could. Gabe came over and punched her in the jaw.

"Shut up you bitch!" He yelled, and slapped his hand over her mouth, and started to touch her. As his hand went down, Aunt May slammed the door open with a bat in her hand and hit Gabe in the back of the head, knocking him down cold. He slumped to the floor while Aunt May grabbed Pearl and pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay baby, he's never going to be seen again, okay? You're alright, I promise." She kept Pearl close to her as she cried. The police were on the phone asking Aunt May questions of where they lived, which floor, room number... etc.

"Pearl honey, I'm going to tell the police some things before they come over, can you head to our apartment and stay with Peter?" Pearl nodded numbly and ran to Aunt May's apartment and ran straight to Peter's arms. He didn't understand what was happening, but held her close, knowing that his best friend was sad because of something.

"Hello, this is May Parker, there was a murder in my apartment complex. The woman who was killed was Sally Jackson and was killed by Gabe Ugliano. Sally had a daughter, Pearl Jackson, and was harmed but not killed." Aunt May said over the phone. The police responded,

"Alright can you give us your street number, apartment floor and number please, we'll be right over." The police officer then called over to one of his comrades saying, "Hey, I think we need to call Big Red." "Got it."

"Tony! Oh, where is he! TONY!" Pepper yells out. "J.A.R.V.I.S, where's Tony?"

"In his lab, Miss Pepper." J.A.R.V.I.S states. "Thanks J.A.R.V.I.S." Pepper enters the elevator rolling her eyes. You think he could spend more time with me or his real work, but no. He has to be with his mechanics. The elevator stops. She walks out hearing some ACDC.

"Tony Stark, did you hear me at any point?" She yells over the sound of his car engines. He looks up, realizing that she just walked in.

"Hey sorry, this poor little girl right here was sounding a bit sick. What's up?" He claims as he pats the hood of the car.

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