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I stay awake
I tell myself not to lay down
For I fear the dark
And what lures in it
No sleep
For my own sake
I heard there was a beast
That feasts on the flesh of humans
He sleeps during the day and hunts at night
Well, that's what it says in the book
As I read
As  hours pass by
One by one
My eyes get heavy and heavier
I doze off...
My eyes slowly adjust to the dark
And on the edge of my bed
There's it, sitting
What I feared most
Such fear that I couldn't sleep
Glowing eyes
That you could see even in the darkest of nights
I lay still
As the shadow creep
Towards me
I feel goosebumps
It hovers over me
I fear
It will haunt me
Just like it is now
The figure inches closer
As it does
I want to scream
I can't
And closer
It gets
I bounce up in my bed
Throwing off my covers
Gasping for air
It was just a nightmare
That's when I noticed
It was staring
Right back

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