Chapter 5

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Officer Lionel kicked in the door. Before his foot could fully touch the door it crashed in causing him to land roughly on his foot.
"Shit" He kept going pausing at the foot of the stairs straining to hear even the slightest noise. He didn't hear anything so he headed up the stairs hoping to found the suspect up there. Officer Lionel took his time on the steps knowing the boards had long since rotted away. Each step he took he heard the stairs creak. After the torture of slowly walking up the stairs, every second thinking that he was going to fall through, he finally reached the second floor. His feet sunk a little under his weight, as he stepped onto the long rug in the hallway. The rug was soaked from the rain that came in through the broken windows. He walked further down the hallway, till he got to the window he had originally saw the suspect in. He could hear the roar of the gathered crowd after seeing him rush into the house, gun drawn. He kept walking down the hall, the only sound, the squish of his leather shoes on the soaked rug.
Captain Lionel heard something up ahead he became even more silent, but he began to walk faster. He came to a room with the door slightly ajar, and saw something pass in front of the light. He reached out with a steady hand, his other firmly around his gun. As he touched the door pushing it open, he saw something move out of the corner of his eyes and felt something wet and warm touch his face. He was suddenly falling to the floor with a heavy weight on top of him , pushing him down.

My plans... my plans... they're going all wrong. The subject is still in the beginning stages. It's not fit to be revealed yet. It's not ready to help me, to set me free. This world always finds a way to ruin everything. I must stop this, I must protect it. Under no circumstance can it be let loose like this, not yet. I will do anything to make sure it's safe. I will not be held back any longer.


"Charlie call the ambulance. Get them here pronto." Officer Lionel's voice burst out of Charlie's speakers.
Charlie jumped but didn't take long to respond back. "Already own there way, 10-4"
Charlie scurried back to the patrol car and jumped in yelling into the walkie talkie. When Lionel ran into the house, Charlie froze ,he didn't know what to do in this type of situation. This had never happened to him before. He stood there for a couple seconds then he ran back to the car and followed captains orders.
"What's that he got ...."
"It looks like a person...."
"Oh my god what is he covered in ..."

Charlie jumped out of the car to see what the commotion was about. He looked in the direction they were pointing in and saw that Captain Lionel had exited the house carrying something.

"Charlie come help me with her" Charlie ran towards him.

"Help me lay her down," Charlie took her legs and helped guide her to the ground. When Charlie pulled his hands away he saw that they were covered in blood.

"What h-h-happened in there," Charlie stuttered out. Charlie knew what he was getting into when he signed up for this. He knew there were chances he would come in contact with blood and gore. But he didn't know it would be like this, that he would find a girl covered in blood.

"She fell on me I think she passed out from blood lost. "

"That's not her blood"

"What do you mean that's not her blood." Captain Lionel looked at Charlie in confusion.

"Well most of the blood is dry and caked up. And with the amount of blood here I would say she would be dead by now. She wouldn't have fell on you." Charlie said in a way like it was obvious. He had passed with flying colors in his Biology class.

"How do you know she's not dead" Captain Lionel was getting irritated by the minute.

"Well she hasn't gone through the process of rigor mortis, and again with the amount of blood lost, it should have happened by now-"

Charlie was cut of by the sound an ambulance. The EMT's ran over towards them pushing them out of the way.

"Move , get out of my way that's my daughter."
Charlie and Captain Lionel looked up and saw that somebody was trying to push there way through the crowd.

"It's Mrs. Crowell. Every since her daughter went missing a year ago she shows up at every crime scene claiming that's her daughter. " Captain Lionel sighed shaking his head, " We closed the case after 6 months when nothin came up. Go calm her down for me Charlie. "

Charlie stood up wiping his hands on his pants and walking over apprehensively. Mrs. Crowell was a middle aged woman who looked older than her actual age. The edges of her hair was gray around the edges and her skin was losing its colors. The people around her were looking at her as if she was a bomb about to go off at anytime.

"Mrs. Crowell, what seems to be the problem here."

"That's my daughter. That's my daughter. Let me through . That's -"

"Mrs. Crowell I highly doubt that's your daughter." Charlie interrupted before the news caught whif of this.

"Mr. Fre, I have a picture, I can prove that that's my daughter. "

Charlie stood there while Mrs. Crowell dug in her purse looking for something. He looked around and saw that people were starting to look this way and were listening in on their conversation.

"Mrs. Crowell, we don't need you causing a scene-" Charlie tried to sway her to go home but he was interrupted when she pulled something out of her purse in a flourish.

"I found it. Look and it and tell me that's not my daughter. " Mrs. Crowell had gotten a desperate look on her face. He hated to look at that picture and see that it wasn't her daughter. He kind've hoped that was her daughter, so the woman could finally be put out of her misery.

"Just look at it, please," she said pushing the wrinkled picture in his direction. He reluctantly grabbed the paper from her hand, refusing to look at it until it was right in front of his eyes. He slowly allowed his eyes to slide over the picture. When his brain finally registered what he was looking at, he couldn't help but gasp at what he saw.

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