Chapter 4

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Dedicated to @DarkGoddess664

Officer Lionel had never seen nothing like this. Out of the 31 years he served as Captain of the police force in the small town in Tilonia, this was the biggest call that he had ever received. The most he had ever saw was a rough beaten teen attempting to hold up a grocery store. Turned out he didn't even have a gun with him. So when he got the call to come in at 7:36 this morning he was surprised. When he arrived at the scene there were a lot of onlookers behind the tape. Further back there were news people and vans, some he recognized and some he didn't.

'What do we have here, Charlie," Officer Lionel asked his deputy.

Charlie was fresh out of the police academy. He had first started off as Captain Lionel's assistant but due to his performance he worked himself up in a matter of a year.

"Captain I ain't ever seen anything like this! " Charlie stumbled over his words.
"Just spit it out." Captain Lionel knew it couldn't be that bad. It was a small town nothing bad ever happened.

" We got a call from some local teen babysitting, Jessica Jare, I think, saying she found a dog that was covered in blood. We were just going to send the pound over until she said where. You ain't going to believe this , it was O'Neills place. Can you believe it ? A dog covered in blood crawling out of that house. Do you think it was something voodoo or--"

"Just get to it. You know I don't believe in that foolish nonsense. " Captain Lionel didn't believe in any of those old wives tales. Thinking that it was the tales made up just to past the time.

"So anyway we did a through search of the house and found a body down in the basement. It was that guy who lived down the road a couples miles that way, " He pointed north of where they were. "Been missing for a while. Jack or John something like that." Charlie took a moment to look through his notepad in search of the right name. While he was looking Lionel took some time to survey the crime scene.

They were in the yard of the O'Neills house. It was run down and was falling apart. It was a real eye sore but it still stood. He remembered that the neighborhood folk had tried to start a pition to tear it down but somehow it always feel through.
"Found it , Jack Swarnie, that was his name and supposedly that was his dog they found , Jackie. Well the coroners said he died of..."
Captain Lionel felt a cold prickling on the back of his neck, and looked up and saw a figure standing in the window.

"Charlie, call backup I got the suspect in sight." Captain Lionel said this while breaking into a run and heading towards the front door of the ghastly house.

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