Chapter 3

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"Lucy ,honey come back here," Jessica shouted. She didn't know what she was going to do with Lucy. She had been Lucy's babysitter ever since she started walking, and that was two years ago. Lucy had turned six and was going through her running off phase, which she was experiencing now.

"Lucy, come on, I promise if you come here right now, I'll buy you some ice cream," Jessica tried again. She really didn't want to go trudging through the mud looking for Lucy. "Lucy, come on."

Giving up she started to walk behind the house. Where could this child be, Lucy thought to herself. Why did Lucy have to chooose this house to play hide-n-seek, this place is creepy. Everytime she turned her head she swore she saw something moving out of the corner of her eye. She swung around and saw that nothing was there. Jessica was getting paranoid just from standing in front of the O'Neill's old house.

"Lucy, come on, its time to go home. Your mom is probably waiting for us to get back," as soon as Jessica said that, the door to the house opened. Jesscia started to head towards the door.

"Jessie, don't go in there, " Jessica looked around to see who the voice belonged to. She looked to the left and saw two blond pigtails sticking out from behind the tree. She walked over to the tree and crounced down in front of the little girl.

"There you are Lucy , let's go home," Jessica said. Jessica pulled the girl towards her trying to put the girls jacket on.

"But Jessie, why is the girl crying?" Lucy said as she wriggled her arm out of the jacket Jessica had just put on.

"What girl," Jessica whirled around to look but saw nothing. "Where is she?"

Lucy started to whisper. Her eyes had grown as big as saucer and she had started to pale. "Bad things happen in that house."

"What bad things, Lucy we don't have time for your games," Jessica was getting very aggravated. She was tired and hungry and had just got from school. She had tons of homework that was due tomorrow ; she didn't have time to be playing games with this little girl.

While she had been seeing to Lucy a soft sound had penetrated there conversation. Jessica jerked her head up and turned to look at the source of the noise. She listened closely and saw that the sound was whining. She looked at the house and saw that a figure was limping out of the house. It was a dog and it was badly hurt.

"Come here fella it's okay," She cooed at the dog.

The dog looked at Jessica warily but limped a little closer. It's brown fur was matted with something and its front right leg was bent at an awkward angle. I patted the dog down to see if it was hurt, not finding any , my hand slide across a smooth collar.

As the Lucy kept the dog entertained, Jessica slid the collar off of the dog and ran her hand along it till she found the tag.

"If Lost please return to 5674 Parkridge drive"

"I know this place its the O'Neills place, " She said to herself.

She petted the dog and felt her hands slick with the sticky liquid in its fur.She pulled her hand away and saw that they were covered in a red substance. She looked at in more closely and rubbed her fingers together and saw that it was blood. Jessica looked up and saw that while she was reading the collar Lucy had been playing with dog. Lucy was covered in blood , smeared on her dress and some on her face.
"Lucy lets go back to the park,"
"Ok Jessie, can Roscoe come with me, " she asked oblivious to everything that was going on. "Doesn't he look like a Roscoe. I always wanted a dog. You think mom is going to let me kee-"
Jessica tuned out the rest of what Lucy was saying, just frantic to get her out of here."Yeah, sure whatever."
Jessica took Lucy's hand and start walking back towards the park. As they walked she pulled out her phone and dialed 911.

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