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Expecting the legendary Winter Box to be an intricately carved thing of beauty, Edie was disappointed to find the box rather small and plain. The only decoration was the five symbols carved into it's tan wood. It had also aged well due to a protection ward. How on earth was it found? Sol didn't have any idea, he said it was in his hands after a lapse of memory.

Edie pulled on the leather gloves she always kept in her bag. Leftover from handling magic objects in the shop. When business was good customers sent objects they believed were cursed. Although they were no longer used, it never hurt to keep a pair of gloves close at hand.

Turning the box in her hand, she tried to remember what her Mother told her:

"Before the worst of the witch hunts took place, five magic bourne families formed the Winter court. Named because the families believed that they were in the Winter of their existence. Soon they would be extinct. Their whole knowledge and powers would be gone.

They made a box out of an ancient yew, into it they imbibed each of their abilities. Sealing it with a spell and symbols, never to be opened until a time when it was needed.

It took a lot of magic and their remaining powers were weaker. This weakness would be passed down to the descendants. Perhaps even the magic would miss some of them altogether, but the box would remain. It was a great cost but they knew It was necessary.

The Box was hidden away, protected by it's magic and over the years slowly forgotten, until some wondered if it ever existed at all."


"You tried to open it?" Edie said, "Sol, are you mad?" She put the box down carefully and took off the gloves.

"I was desperate, do you have any idea what it's like not to remember a large part of your life? To think that someone you trusted had used you for God only knows what during that time? That you might become like him?"

The realisation hit Edie, "you avoid drinking from humans?"

"Exactly," Sol said, "If I keep myself barely nourished. Feed on humans sparingly, I will be less likely to succumb to temptation. It has worked so far, until now."

"You're losing control?" Edie said, fear spiked through her. Was he going to lose it and attack her?

"I have fed recently, I am in as good control as I can be. I will not let it come to that, even if I am draining a whole adult deer a night."

"But it won't be enough?"

"I will not let it come to that." He cast his eyes downward, "I will ensure it never happens."

"You'll," She couldn't get the word out.

"Kill myself?" Sol said, putting his hand in hers, it was cool to the touch, maybe even cold. "I have lived long enough. It would not be so bad, better than terrorising and enslaving this town."

"I can't believe you'd just give up!"

"I am not," Sol said, "that is why I thought the Box would break my curse. However, I cannot open it, I need one of the guardians."

There was a pause. If she recalled, Anna Stitchwell was one of the founding families. The other families were either extinct or unknown.

"My sister Laurie would be the Stitchwell guardian. Maybe if you apologised to her for stealing the Box. We may be able to open it?"

"And the other guardians? What about them? How can I apologise when the other families of the Winter court are now extinct or unknown?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, we'll start with Laurie and work it out from there." Because I have no idea what to do next after that, she thought, hoping he wouldn't read her face. Sol however, was far away in his thoughts.

"It is too light for us to go now," he said, oblivious to get body language, "it will have to wait until evening."

Edie thought she saw desperation and fear in Sol's deep brown eyes, "you need to go home, eat and sleep. One of the day residents will take you home." He said, walking away before Edie had a chance to protest.

She almost felt sorry for him.

If he thought he was in control he was fooling himself. She just hoped her sketchy plan would have a positive result. He had his work cut out with winning over Laurie.

It would be a novelty to see Sol grovel.

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