Chapter Nine

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I so was happy with the reaction to the last chapter!It went exactly like I wanted..I've been waiting to throw in a twist like Niall ending up being hit since I started and it just hit me..*wink*Ha, so yeah:) So this chapter is dedicated to my crazy amazing fan NataliaStyles7 for giving me some of the idea for this chapter and of course being an amazing(as I said)And faithful reader!Enough of me,here it goes..

--------------------------Chapter Nine------------------------

I let my head roll back onto the pillows with a small sigh and closed my eyes tightly.

I had to be in the hospital over night from my head wound.I also had to stay the night after passing out from the concussion and panic attack from not being able to breath.

They wanted to make sure nothing like that would happen again..I couldn't be more upset about it.I hated being here.Especially knowing that Niall was in surgery across the hall. So far everyone had been in to see me but I hadn't talked to anyone.

It was all my fault and I knew it.I could have done something or hell i could have stopped being over dramatic and not ran.

Niall is now in surgery because I was too big of an idiot to look before I ran across the road.I sniffled and let my eyes flicker to the half asleep Zayn.He had tears still falling down his face and the saddest expression I had ever seen.

He looked like he just watched his mum get killed.But it was so much worse.He sniffled and brought his legs to his chest and fell asleep quickly.My eyes then flickered to Eleanor who was asleep,pressed against his chest while Louis looked from Harry to me.


He was sitting on the chair right next to my bed,his eyes locked on me.I wouldn't look at him though, he broke my heart.I didn't want to see him.But slowly he walked closer,shooting Louis a look.He seemed to get it and picked up El.

"I'm going to take her home to sleep."He walked out with his girlfriend tight to his chest making me think of all the times Harry would hold me like that.He slowly turned back to face me with a shaky sigh and I prepared myself.

"Li,I understand why your are so mad at me." Harry started, his eyes glistening with tears as he took a step towards me. I gripped the sheets until my knuckles where white.

My eyes trained on the monitor calculating my heart beat. Everything seemed to rush to my head, with every quickened heart beat, a serge of pain to it. The feeling of him near me made everything hazy- or maybe that was the medicine.

"Harry, I wish I could hate you! After everything what makes you think I should even let you smile at me?" I replied,hating how stupid and gullible I sounded. I watched in face fall as his body shook with each breath.

"I know Liam but I love you so much!I need you like air!And I know you feel the same way?I need you to live please give me another chance?" Looking up, Harry caught my eye and held the stare desperately as if he would die without it.

"Leave Harry."


"Leave!"My voice raised slightly but I wasn't at a shouting point yet.He flinched and looked down for a moment before looking back up tears falling down his face.

"I love you."Tearing my eyes away and closing them so I didn't have to see his bright green puppy eyes looking at me sadly.

"I love you too Harry.I do..Leave.I want to be alone.." Just as the curly haired boy turned and walked towards the door,he tossed a iPhone lightly onto a vacant area of my bed.

"Watch it."He whispered before turning and walking from the room.I sniffled and looked down at it,slowly hitting play on the video


I rubbed my eyes open and the first thing I looked for,my mood lifting when I saw the sleeping body right next to me.

I reached and ran a hand through his curls.He stirred and slowly his tired eyes fluttered open revealing his beautiful green eyes.

"Hey."I whispered and he yawned,rubbing his eyes making him look even more cute and innocent.I smiled and watched as he sat up before his face turned serious.He licked his lips as if waiting and trying to find the right words.

"Did you watch it?"He asked,looking down with a wince probably about how straight forward he was with it.I just nodded silently.I watched every bit of it.But I still couldn't help the stinging in my heart from seeing them kiss.

"I'm sorry I kicked you out earlier.I just..Needed time to breath and think."I said softly and he smiled, reaching over and pecking my cheek.

"I understand.But her kissing me hurt me as much as you Liam."I laughed quietly and shook my head.

"I doubt that."He just shrugged,both of us slipping into silence not sure what to say or what we could say.I looked up again and held his stare.

Without meaning to leaned forward.When our lips met sparks exploded throughout me as cliche as it sounds.I smiled against his lips and kissed him back passionately.My arms wrapped around his neck while his went around my waist,pulling me closer.

"Oh,shit!Sorry.."Gemma stuttered,walking in with a coffee and blushed,rushing out.I heard her whisper to someone that we needed a moment and I guessed it with mum or dad.But I ignored it with a chuckle at my sister.

Focusing on Harry I waited for him to say something,anything but he just looked down and sighed shakily before looking back up with a desperate but understanding look.He licked his lips making my eyes flicker to them.I pushed back the thoughts of kissing him again knowing he was going to say something and sucked in a breath.

"Li..I need to know.Do I get another chance?I promise I wont screw it up..I just need one more chance to show you that I love you..You mean everything to me.But I understand if you can't.I broke you after I promised I wouldn't.And I will never forgive myself..But I need to know.Now..."He trailed off and I winced but nodded.

I knew we would have to have this talk sooner or later and Hazz chose now.I sucked in another breath and looked up.



CLIFFHANGER!!So what do you guys think is going to happen?Can Liam give Hazza another chance?Lemme know your thoughts!Comment and vote pleasee!*puppy eyes* :)

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