Chapter Eleven (~Final Chapter~)

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FINAL CHAPTER!I know I had just said that I would end it at twelve but I decided on Eleven 'cause I honestly don't have anymore ideas for this story except the epilogue.I've had this ending planned for a bit so I will be ending this with this chapter..I'd say this speech about how much I'll miss this but I wont waste your time..Just thank you to everyone who read,commented and voted on this story!It means a lot and I hope you all like the ending and it's what you wanted..

Yes I know this is short but look to the side..This was supposed to be a short story.Here is the final chapter!:)

------------------------------Chapter Eleven:Final Chapter-----------------------

"Have a nice night!"One of the workers called after us with a polite smile making me nod back to him before walking out.

I intertwined my fingers with Harry's and pulled him from the restaurant with a grin.He chuckled and took his hand back,wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me to his side then intertwining our fingers once again.

"I've never been more full in my life.Thank you for the amazing date Hazza."I looked up at him with a smile and he nodded.

"I love you and I like to spoil you."He grinned lazily and I giggled,rolling my eyes as I let my head rest back on his shoulder.I loved how romantic and cliche it was..Walking on the beach after he took me out for a nice dinner.I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too."He smiled goofily and I laughed before shaking my head and sighing content.Looking out at the ocean I smiled brightly.I had always loved the beach.He noticed my look and stopped walking making me frown.

He leaned down and kissed me before taking in a deep breath.

"Liam..I love you.I'm not good at things like this,I never have been..Remember when I asked you out on our first date?'I-I like y-you'"He quoted himself in a shaky and dorky tone making me giggle and nod.He smiled and continued.

"I don't know what i'm really supposed to say here..But I love you.Everything about you..And I want to be with you forever!Your everything I want and more!I know I don't deserve you but i'm hoping you still love me even though that..Your perfect and I need you like air..Liam James Payne.."He trailed off and got onto one knee making me suck in a deep breath.

"Will you marry me?"Harry asked and opened a black box with a ring in it.I think we both knew it wasn't legal here yet but of course I slowly but eagerly nodded,tears coming to my eyes as he let out a breath of relief and put the ring on my finger before standing.

He kissed me passionately and I grinned against his lips,wrapping my arms around his neck and kissed back proudly.I was engaged to Harry Edward Styles.I giggled as he picked me up,carrying me back to the car and putting me in it.He kissed my cheek before walking around and getting in.We drove home with matching,bright smiles..

I had never been happier.

Not when he choose me over Caroline.Not when he came back to me.Not on our first date.Not when we first kissed or had sex.Never..Then when I knew I would be with Harry forever.He was mine and all slowly I forgot December just for that one moment.When I knew I had it all..

All the pain I had gone through wasn't there anymore.


Ten Years Later    

I groaned softly and removed Harry's arms that were tight around me,untangling myself from him.I shivered at the cold but  stood,stretching.He stirred but stayed asleep as I pulled the blankets over him with a smile.

I walked from our bedroom and moved down the hall towards the loud crying and screaming.I walked into the shared nursery looking at both of the one year old that quickly stopped crying when they saw me.A grin on each face.

I rolled my eyes at my little trouble twins and picked up Eric and Kol with a smirk.I checked on Ella and Tyler on my way down but both of the seven year old were asleep.

"Looks like it's just you and me guys."I whispered as I walked down the stairs with a smile.They giggled at me and cuddled in.

"Pancakes today?"I asked as I set them in their high chairs.Both of them grinned and nodded,making me turn away and start on the food.I hummed along to the radio as the twins played.I looked at the time and waiting.

As if a invisible alarm clock went off Harry walked down looking still half asleep,holding a hands with El and Ty.I smiled at them and him as he set them in a chair before walking to me with a pout.I chuckled and turned to face him as his arms went around me,letting the pancakes cook.He kissed me making my heart flutter.

"Your never there when I wake up."He kissed me again,still pouting.I laughed,rolling my eyes before turning back to flip them.

"That's because you don't wake up with the twins."He rest his chin on my shoulder and watched me finish up cooking breakfast with a smile.I shivered as he kissed my neck once before pulling away and walking to the table,sitting in between El and Eric.

As I put all the food onto three plates and set them down I sat in between the twins and began to feed them with a grin.Harry finished up his meal pretty quick and started feeding the two youngest so I could eat.But honestly I was more stuck on my dream then the pancakes I was eating.I closed my eyes and the flashbacks start..

"Liam baby?You alright?"I blinked my eyes open and nodded,not telling him.I didn't want him to worry of think about anything like that.He didn't need to know that sometimes I just had to stop everything I was doing and..

Remember December.


The end!

So what did you guys think of the ending?Is it what you wanted?What you thought?Lemme know!Comment and vote!!:)

Remember December (Lirry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora