Chapter One

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN.Jokes.It's still about a week away.Happy Early Halloween?Hmm,I'll shut up now?So I'm glad this book got so many reads,comments and votes yanno.I didn't know if it was going to do well and it actually did..And because of that,I will of course continue!!So enough of me,here is the first chatper. 

---------------Chapter One--------------

Walking into lunch I looked around at the tables.My eyes landed on the familiar curls immidetly.Of course Harry was sitting with all the jocks and popular kids.Louis right next to him with Eleanor pressed to his side in a protective way.

I frowned and moved to the table in the corner,seeing Niall.He was clearly upset about something and I noticed Zayn wasn't there.I looked around and then did a double take of Harry..Then I saw what made my blood boil.

Zayn was next to him,the school slut on his arm.Perrie giggled at something he said and he smiled brightly.Niall and I were the two out of the close kids..Zayn was too scared and lately it's been making them fight.Not only that but he was using Perrie to cover it up.He would go from kissing on Niall to kissing on Perrie.

It made Niall sad and it pissed me off.

I ignored them all completely and walked to Niall,wrapping an arm around him,comfortingly.Niall's baby face held pain and I felt the need to go punch Zayn.But he could beat the shit out of me.So that was not a option..But Niall was worth it.

"It's fine LiLi."He whispered,leaning into me and I frowned.I nodded,knowing hurting Zayn would just hurt Niall.But I did send him death glares as I held Niall.I didn't have an appitie anymore.After Harry,eating just didn't seem worth it.

It was safe to say after Harry..My depression I had always seemed to be able to ignore hit me full force again.I stopped taking my medication and I found no happiness in anything.Living was just something I didn't want to do..But I didn't have a choice..I literally was forced to live these days by Ni and my family.

After my last suicide attempt last month..I was watched almost all the time.And everyone knew.This school wasn't really one for bullys but there were a few.Like Perrie.She was a bitch to anyone who was not in her group of bitches.

"Why is she coming over here?"Niall whimpered and I realized Perrie had stood and was storming over here.I glared and stood up,protectively in front of Niall.She seemed to back down for a moment,not thinking I'd do that but she quickly glared up at me.

"Fuck off."I hissed loudly and I could feel eyes on us.I ignored it all and caught her hand as she went to slap me,holding her wrist tightly.She squealed and quickly a football player was hovering over me with a angry growl.Before I could even apologize I was slammed into the wall.

I got in one punch to the face before I was on the ground being kicked an punched as people around the lunch room yelled things.Some were cheering me on,some yelling at him to get off me but of course ther was a few yelling for him to teach me a lesson.

"GET.THE.FUCK.OFF OF HIM!"A familiar voice boomed out as my eyes fluttered,my entire body like it's on fire.I whimpered as I felt myself being picked up.Just as my vision began to fade probably the fact that my head's bleeding..I looked up and saw the worried green eyes I loved.

Harry's eyes.


"Liam?..You need to wake up baby boy."A voice faded in and out and I groaned softly,my eyes slowly opening to meet my fathers worried eyes.I looked around to see I was home.With a frown I then saw mum was next to him,pressing a cold cloth to my head.

"W-What happened?"I whimpered,head pounding.Mum smiled sadly and kissed my head,telling dad to go tell someone that I was awake.She brushed back my hair more.

"The kids at school again.."She whispered and I remembered,being beaten into unconsiousness.It wasn't the first time the boys at school had beat me up.I frowne and nodded,turning over in my bed and bringing the teddy Harry had gotten me to my chest.

I heard her say something about making me soup while I remembered her saying someone was downstairs.Probably Ni.I sighed and closed my eyes again.The door opened and I licked my dry lips.

"I'm fine Niall..You should probably go home."I said softly without opening my eyes and I felt the person sit on the bed.

"I'm not leaving."I shivered and leaned into the hand running through my hair.And thats when I thought back to the bright green eyes looking down at me when I was being carried out.My eyes flew open and met the very eyes I was thinking about.His beautiful eyes that I could stare at all day and I sucked in a breath.

The eyes met the very green ones I had just been thinking about..The eyes that had haunted my dreams since last Christmas.

"Harry?"I whispered and he gave me a weak goofy grin making me almost melt as always but I let my walls slam up and I frowned.

"Why are you here?Thank you for saving me but..You should leave."I flipped over,my back now to him.I heard him sigh softly and his hand picked at the teddy,I could basically feel the smile I knew was on his face.

"You kept Mr.Hazza."He whispered and I nodded,pushing his hand away before closing my eyes and basically forcing myself to fall asleep again.


Sorry it's so short!!What do you guys think of the first chapter?Good,bad?Horrible,amazing?Perfect,I should just die in a hole?Whaddya think!?Lemme know!Comment and vote!!:)

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