Answering Some Questions.

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Jade walked into her house with both Hannibal and Will behind her. She wasn't all that surprised to see Liam laying on her couch, as it was something he did often. Just showing up at her house, even when she wasn't home. She would say something to him about it, but really, it was pointless. So she just did her best to ignore him.

"Hey look it's Jillibal!" Liam said cheerfully.

Hannibal raised his eyebrow and looked at Jade who just shrugged. Liam got up off the couch and walked over to them.

"Jillibal?" Will repeated.

"What the fuck is Jillibal, Liam?"

"Hello... Jade, Will, Hannibal..." He pointed to each one in turn. "Jillable!"

Jade was quiet for a moment before she kicked him in the gut.

Liam double over in pain as he coughed.

"Jade, was that really necessary?" Hannibal asked.

"Da, a fost! Yes, it was!" She groaned. "Bastard." she grumbled underneath her breath as she made her way past him to sit on her couch. "Make yourselves at homes gentlemen." She indicated the other chairs in the room. She waited as both men sat in chairs on opposite ends of the room from each other. Annoyed she found Liam chose to sit next to her.

"What are we doing here, sis?" he asked.

"Hannibal and Will both have questions, I am sure. I don't like to repeat myself. Since Will is finally out I figured now was as good as time as any to tackle those questions."


"No one said you had to be here," she growled.

"Fine, I will go." He stood up before leaving the house, slamming the door behind him.

"Doamne da-mi milă," she said rubbing her forehead. "Somebody ask a question before I lose my mind." She heard someone open their mouth, but she quickly held up a finger. "Though no questions about my father. Unless you want to see how fast your skin can melt."

"So those flames did come from you." That was Will.

She finally looked up then. It would be better to actually engage in her guests. "Yes, I have control over fire. I can use it in many ways, one of which is to travel." She shot Hannibal a glance.

"Does it ever get out of hand?" Will asked again.

Jade had to wonder if Hannibal would ever ask anything, or if he would just let Will do all the talking. "I'm sure it would if I didn't have such control over it. Besides, oddly enough Liam's power is over ice. So we balance each other out. At least, as far as that goes."

It was now that Hannibal finally spoke up, almost like he had been waiting for the right question to be asked.

"I have been witness to you doing..." he trailed off like he couldn't figure out which smart word he could use here. But Jade had plucked enough from his mind that she could tell.

"Are you trying to say magic, or spells, Doctor Lecter?"

"Indeed." The look he was giving her, it was rather amusing. Apparently his highly scientific brain didn't yet feel comfortable saying such words out loud.

"Yes, I do magic. Or was there something more specific you wanted to ask." She was hoping she could get him to say the words, but even if he didn't that would be fine. Truthfully, she just wanted this part done with. She always felt weird answering questions about her world. Especially to non-supernaturals.

"Is that something that is specific only to you?" he finally questioned, after having paused for some time.

"Yes and no. It is specific to my class of vampire and likely my race. I don't think I have come across other races of vampires that could do magic..." she paused to think. "Never mind. I am a pureblood, like Liam, and purebloods in our race can use, what we like to call vampiric, or sometimes blood, magic. It ranges from spells, to potions, to giving one temporary gift, or powers, and casting illusions."

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