Chapter 9 I'm the bad guy

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Yo guys I was watching YouTube and seen a cool video "the video above" and said I'm gonna make a chapter about that cuz that's cool so I'm marking my own version I hope you like it enjoy 😊

Multiverse starting in




Multiverse start

(Shiguraki) - ok you said we would like this one now what is it?

(Author) - I'll just let this one speak for its self

"Shows Izuku siting across from AFO with a chessboard in between them"

(All Might) - what is Young Midoriya doing with him?!?

(Author) - what does it look like he is playing chess?

(AFO) - so Izuku how have you been since I last seen you?

(Mina) - wait they have met before in this world?

(Author) - well in this multiverse they meet for chess and to talk every week or so.

"Everyone is shocked that they meet so frequently"

(Izuku) - I've been good my plan is going good almost to good.

(AFO) - how could it be going to good?

(AFO) - I am to curious?

(Izuku) - well in all honesty I'm getting bored.

(Everyone) - what?

(AFO) - what?

"Izuku and AFO continue to move pieces on the chessboard"

(Izuku) - my plans are almost complete my bace is done and the hero's are to predictable.

"Izuku slumps in his chair with a fake pout"

(Presents Mic) - we are not predictable!

"Some villains look at him with a disbelieving type look"

(AFO) - are you sure you plan is full proof?

"Izuku sits up with a smirk"

(Izuku) - of corse when my plan is complete the hero's and all of society will be in...

"Moves a chess piece into place and then looks up at AFO"

(Izuku) - Checkmate!

(AFO) - no one has ever beaten me is chess this Izuku must be extremely intelligent.

(Ochaco) - h-he plans to take down all hero's AND all of society!

(Iida) - I believe so.

"Nezu is interested and the other hero's are fearing the worst for they're other selfs"

"AFO goes to move a piece to find that he is actually in checkmate"

(AFO) - I see I've lost once again.

(AFO) - I see I've lost multiple times to this Izuku. I wonder what the stakes are?

(Izuku) - so can you tell me our win loss ratio again.

"Izuku says with a smug tone"

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