𝑰'𝒎 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅, 𝑶𝒌𝒂𝒚? :: 21

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"You found someone?" he interrupted gently, a weak smile on his lips. "Is she pretty? I bet she's pretty."

A rosy shade dusted Jimin's cheeks without a moment's hesitation, body flushing. Images of Jungkook flashed through his mind, causing a small smile to play on his lips. Never in his life did he think a boy would be the stem of his happiness.

"Yeah, she's super pretty," Jimin agreed softly as he began to think of Jungkook's large, doe eyes. His soft brown hair, and his pretty pink lips. His gorgeous body, and his full heart. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and how sometimes his front teeth dug into his bottom lip giving him the uncanny appearance of a bunny. His world as he knew it had shifted completely ever since he met Jungkook. It was no longer barren, filled with only school work and the responsibilities leading up to a successful future. Instead pretty flowers bloomed where life was once lacking. Pretty colours filled his previously dark and dreary skies. But the most important thing was, was that he didn't know what it meant to be so deeply infatuated with somebody until he met this boy. Of course all of this came along with uncertainties and doubts, but Jimin always managed to find his way back into the light.


Jimin blinked a few times, staring up at Eric. He realized he had zoned out completely, causing the tops of his ears to glow red. He scratched at his head, a cute panicked smile surfacing on his lips. "I think I have to go," he announced suddenly, prompting Eric's lips to part in confusion.

"Okay. I guess I'll--"

Eric had been interrupted by Jimin's warm embrace. His eyes widened slightly in surprise, but they soon melted closed and he allowed his body to succumb to the warmth Jimin's body was offering him. He wrapped his arms around the ravenette's frame, face sinking into his neck as he breathed him in softly.

"I'm not leaving you behind, okay? I'm still going to be here for you," Jimin assured gently, one of his hands moving up to Eric's head. "I don't want things between us to change," he said as he pulled away, Eric's touch still resting softly on his hips. He knew that he had to let go. But he didn't want to.

"Do you promise?" Eric asked quietly with a sadness present on his face and in his words. This was next to the best possible outcome. He knew that confessing to Jimin could have ruined their relationship completely.

"Yes, I promise," Jimin said while placing one of his hands on Eric's cheek.

Eric smiled warmly, eyes glazed over. Nothing felt safer and more assuring to him than Jimin's touch. He melted into it, wanting to stay that way for a lifetime.

But unfortunately, the door had been pulled open and there stood the janitor himself. He didn't seem to care that two boys were in his closet, however passing students slowed and stopped to stare. Some even pulled out their phones, snapping pictures. Because sadly, nothing was more interesting than two boys standing closely in a closet. One being the student body president.

This wasn't going to end well. Not even in the slightest.

Jimin grabbed Eric by his wrist, tugging him out of the janitors closet behind him. People proceeded to whisper and take pictures, meanwhile others were brazen enough to vocalize their degrading thoughts.

Just ignore them, Jimin thought to himself as he lead them outside of the school. They hopped into his vehicle and the ravenette was quick to drive them away. They didn't even care that their things had been left behind. They just needed to get out before things got out of hand.

"I'm sorry," Jimin said suddenly. "I brought you into that closet in the first place."

"No, it's okay," Eric assured while shaking his head softly. "I shouldn't have piled all of this on you at school. It was selfish of me and I should have known better," he lamented while looking out the window, watching as the school left his vision.

Jimin peered to his right for a moment, feeling guilty before returning his attention back to the road. He hated how much shame he currently felt, even though Eric had already told him it wasn't his fault. He then remembered he hadn't seen Jason in awhile, and so he decided to bring it up.

"Where has Jason been?"

Eric looked to his left, kind of surprised that Jimin would even care to ask such a question. But he was going to answer nontheless. "He's being homeschooled now."

Jimin raised both of his brows, attentioned remaining trained on the road. "Homeschooled? How come?"

Eric sniffed. "Have you not been on Instagram these past couple of days?" he questioned.

"I haven't," Jimin replied, and decided to leave it at that. His weekend had kind of been rather hectic, to put it simply. He didn't have time to scroll.

Eric sighed, cheek resting in his palm as he looked out the window. "Jason posted a confessional on his Instagram on Saturday talking about some pretty fucked up stuff. Maybe he finally had enough and needed to draw the line," he pitched with a soft shoulder raise.

"About what?" Jimin asked impatiently, itching to know.

Eric tensed up rather quickly, sitting up straight and rubbing his palms along his thighs. "I guess the reason why he's so fucked up, distant and homophobic is because when he was younger, he was touched by another guy. I guess maybe all of these years he was too afraid to bring it up but something made him crack," he elucidated uneasily, bottom lip  captured within his teeth.

Jimin was at a loss for words. Jason's rather abrupt change in attitude happened when they were all friends. So did that mean he had being going through all of this by himself without anybody knowing? It was clear to him now why he acted so brashly.

"So what do you think's gonna happen now?" Jimin asked.

"Well, for starters, I think he's probably going to be attending therapy sessions. I don't know how that shit's going to help him through his trauma, but I guess everyone deals with their trauma differently," Eric concluded loosely with pursed lips, picking at a thread in his distressed jeans.

"Do you think we should go visit him?" Jimin suggested.

Eric shook his head. "There's no telling what he'll do if he sees us. I don't want him to hurt you, Jimin. And pictures at our school spread like wildfire. And I'm sure we'd be one of the last people he'd want to see if he saw that photo of us so close in that janitors closet."

"But we weren't even doing anything bad."

"That doesn't matter. People will twist stories as long as it gives them fame, even if it's fleeting. If he really needs us, he'll tell us, okay?" Eric advised while smiling softly.

"Okay," Jimin agreed. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to go.

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