Chapter 26: Reunited & Remarks

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"Hey." I muttered quietly when I spotted him laying in his bed facing the opposite direction.


He turned slightly to see who was at his door.


"Sarah told me what happened." I muttered.


"I'm such an idiot." Shane responded sitting up.


"Dude, just give her some space she'll come to her senses." I countered closing the door behind me.


"I can't." He retorted.


"What do you mean?" I figured my eyes.


"She wrote in her letter that she wants me to stay out of her life." He said holding up the letter.


"Really?" I asked appalled of what I was hearing. I know Allison said she was done with Shane, but I didn't think it was for good.


"She practically said that if I like her as much as people say, than to never come back in her life. And then at the end she wrote that she can't keep loving me." He recalled opening the letter and skimming it.


"Well." I said sitting at his desk chair.  "What, are you going to do?" I sighed at how complicated the situation was getting.


"How can I stay away from someone that I want to keep in my life?" He claimed. Showing how much he really cared for Allison. They needed to be together.


"Then fight for her." I stated.. "And don't give her reason to back out." I finished.


"And how am I supposed to make do that?" He asked without even thinking about it.


"First things first." I started. "Break things off with TJ for good." I said. "She's not good for you or for any of us." I joked shivering at the thought.  “Allison obviously feels threatened by her.” I added seriously.


“Well she shouldn’t” Shane defended. "But,yeah. I think it's time that finally happens." He chuckled and then looking away into his own thoughts.


“Dude, what is that?” I pointed to a sparkling piece of object hanging from the side of his bed.


Shane looked at me like I was crazy until he peeked around the edge of the bed he was laying on to be holding it in hand.


Oh, it couldn’t have been? But sadly it was. I sighed as he held it up. “Is that?” I trailed watching as Shane’s expression began to slowly change.


“It’s.” He paused, his reaction still pretty shocked that it came down to this. “It’s Allison’s anchor necklace.” He whispered to himself, still loud that I was able to hear it. “I messed up.” He added. “Big time.” He looked up at me with sad eyes.

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