Chapter 3

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A/N- Question of the day:"Are you a DC or Marvel fan or none?"

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A/N- Question of the day:"Are you a DC or Marvel fan or none?"

Dedicated to MmeRouge

Is it just me or does the world seem 10 times crueler today? Ugh! My entire body hurts

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Is it just me or does the world seem 10 times crueler today? Ugh! My entire body hurts. The room temperature is too much. Where did this killer headache come from? Anyway, I called Mrs. Kelmer asking for a sick day off. Thankfully, she didn't shout the hell out of me. I must've sounded really sick. Dad has checked on me for once or twice, and Emma brought me some soup a few minutes ago. I didn't have it claiming it's too hot, and then she left, leaving me to fend for myself. I hear a ping and open the text I just got.

Why didn't you come to the office today?

It's the stalker, "You need a friend" guy.

None of your business, mister.

Well, maybe it is. How did you know I'm not a girl?

No, it's not. I just did.

Just did, what?

I just knew you were a guy.


No girl can be as rude as you.

Really? It's not my fault you're stupid.

See? This is what I'm talking about. You keep on calling me stupid.

Still you didn't block me.

That's right. I'm stupid, I guess.

Let me be nice this time. Madam, why didn't you come to your office today?

How did you know that?

First you answer me, then I'll tell you.

Okay. I've got the flu.

So how are you feeling?

I've been better.

What did you have since the morning?

Need A Friend | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora