
The blonde tossed another used coffee pod into the waste bin and replaced it before starting the brewing process. While the warm, dark liquid dribbled into the ceramic mug, Kurapika walked to his bedroom. It was plain, simple, the way Kurapika liked things- he was a bit of a minimalist. The closet doors creaked as Kurapika opened them. Inside were more of his clans clothing. He selected what he planned on wearing before walking them into the restroom, stopping in the hall closet to grab a fuzzy towel.

The blonde turned on the water, hesitating. He was doing something but the haze of sleep deprivation clouded his thoughts. Oh well. He shed the clothes he was wearing, letting the white shirt slide off his delicate shoulders. He reached over to the running water, letting it gently burn his skin. It was just a little too hot, just enough to hopefully wake Kurapika from his never relenting daze.

He stepped into the shower, letting the heat of the running water sting just a little while he washed his long blonde locks. He hummed to himself to help combat the exhaustion he still felt.

By the time Kurapika had stepped out of the shower, his skin was tinged just a little red. Not genuinely burned or anything, just pink from the heat. He toweled himself off. Focusing on the strands that dripped water that would trickle down his torso.

He tried to focus on the task at hand so that the memories of the eyes and the clan couldn't creep up on him as they often did. An image of the eyes flashed through his mind and he felt sick at the thought. So sick in fact, that he had to stop everything entirely and wait for the nausea to pass.

Perhaps, his stomachs contents would have emptied, but they didn't because he'd hadn't really eaten anything since yesterday morning. Well, except for coffee. Coffee! The blonde forgot he was brewing a cup. It would be cold soon.

He began tugging on his clothing, but quickly realized that in his tired state, he'd forgotten a shirt. Oh well, he lived alone anyway. He emerged from the steam filled bathroom letting the chill from the rest of his house nip at his skin. It was safe to say he looked a little strange. He wore his usual white pants and the blue skirt like bottom of his usual outfit so from the waist down he looked fully dressed but then he was completely shirtless.

The blonde walked back into the kitchen and felt the mug of coffee which was, thankfully, still warm enough to drink. He poured in a dash of cream and stirred it gently, picking up his cellphone from the counter where he left it and walking back to the couch. He sat down and sipped his coffee. Just as he pulled the mug away from his lips, his phone buzzed in his hand.

The blonde flicked it open, "Kurapika speaking." He winced at the weakness of his voice.

"Kurapika," Leorio sounded pleasantly surprised, "You're up early."

"Um. Yeah. So are you." Kurapika rasped.

"Yup." There was a hesitant pause, "I wanted to see you is all. So um. When can we meet up?"

"Maybe in 2 hours, my place?" Kurapika inquired.

Leorio nodded, but realized the blonde couldn't see his nodding to which he quickly said, "Uh. Yeah. That sounds great."

"Mm." The blonde hummed in reply.

There was a brief silence that ensued before Leorio spoke up once again, "Kurapika?"


"I-I uh. Look forward to it," the blonde could hear Leorio's bashfulness through the phone which made him smile to himself.

"As do I, Leorio." The blonde replied.

"I'll be seeing you."

"See you then." The blonde pulled the phone from his ear and disconnected the call.

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