13. who is she

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| week two |
she was out of it, laying on the floor of Diah Mendoza's room, still high as a kite, this was an "everyday" thing. she wakes up staring at the ceiling with thoughts running through her mind along with the secret that was making her this way, that haunted her everytime she took a drag or a sip.

| week four |
Allie and her new best friend have been going to every party and they where like the "special guests" the ones who made the party a party. when Mattia would be at the parties, he'd watch her all night to make sure she didn't get into any trouble.

"yo don't touch me" she pushed a random guy off her. Mattia heard and his head automatically turned in the direction of her yell.

"come on Costilla, you're a party girl, you know how this goes" the kid goes in and grabs her waist again. Mattia throws his cup down and walks over.

"she said to leave her alone bitch" he got in his face.

"fucking great, Polibio, i've got it. i don't need you watching over me, leave me the fuck alone" she threw her cup in the random guys face and began to walk out.

"Diah ! let's go" she said walking out the door

| next day |
she was on her couch with a throbbing headache the knocks almost made her head explode. she got up and walk to the door and opened it.

"hey" it was Robert

"oh my god" she sighed and threw herself into his arms. "i can't believe you're here" she was on the verge of tears.

she hadn't seen him in a month, ever since the break up. she distanced herself from the whole group and honestly never went to school.

"how are you" he asked shutting the door

"i'm pretty good, having fun" she laughed

"i heard about last night" when he said this, her face dropped

"jesus fuck, that's why you're here" she put her hands on her head and walked back to the living room.

"Allie, he told me and I was worried" she followed her into the living room.

"he's everywhere it seems" she fixed her loose white top.

"he cares Al" he said

"i know, i don't want him to care anymore" she looked up into Roberts eyes.

"why though?" he asked

Allie was silent and just looked at him, examining his face.

"Al?" he waved his hand in her face

she proceeded to lift herself up and kiss him deeply, throwing her self onto him. for a second he kissed back but then quickly grabbed her shoulders to push her back. he just looked at her as she was straddled on his lap.

"Allie, what the fuck" he pushed her to the side and stood up from the couch.

"come on Robert" still on the couch, she got up on her knees and pulled him by his belt. "no one will know" she said biting her lip.

"who are you? i'm out" he lightly pushed her way from him and walked towards the door.

"you're such a pussy" she followed him.

"i tasted the alcohol on your breath, if you where sober you wouldn't even have the thought of doing that" he shut the door and she was left there, angry and just looking stupid as she should have been.

| week six |
she was never around at this point, she went to clubs with D occasionally, only when she "wanted sum" but that's it. her aunt was always away for work so Allie had the freedom to do what ever she wanted. the boys tried going over and fix everything, her mainly. she ended up in full blown, angry tears. she punched Mattia in the face and chased them out of her house by throwing things at them, heavy things.

"don't fucking think of me, talk to me, talk about me, i don't fucking exist to you fuckers" she finally stopped with the throwing.
"especially you Polibio" she pointed at him with a plastic trophy in hand then proceeded to throw it at him.

| Allie was mess |
| not herself |

——————————————————————sorry for any errors

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

sorry for any errors. i wanted to finish this because i was in the mood to but now i'm gonna go back to sleep ☺️💕

Fallen || Mattia Polibio Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang