Case 1. An Innocent Murderer: Chapter 12. Provoke

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That's what cats were like. When they don't want to sleep, you can't sleep either. They would slap you with their soft claws next to your pillow and wake you up with a meow. However, if they were going to sleep, then whether you squish them, stretch them or squeeze them until they were round or square, they would not resist, but instead sleep in a semi-conscious state.

It was very late, and Zhan Zhao had been very tired these past few days. Therefore now, he was half conscious. He leaned on Bai Yutang's shoulder, clutching his seat belt with both hands. He opened his mouth slightly, then fell asleep. Bai Yutang felt a little alarmed when he looked at Zhan Zhao. No matter which angle he moved at, someone might slip off.

When they finally got home, Bai Yutang decided to pick up Zhan Zhao in his arms and take him inside. After coming out of the parking lot, Bai Yutang carefully carried Zhan Zhao out of the car. Zhan Zhao opened his eyes slightly, then closed them again. He lazily turned his body, then put his arms around Bai Yutang's neck. He hummed twice and went back to sleep.

"Whoa..." Bai Yutang looked at the sky, "This cat...Is using me as a bed."

After they arrived at the door and was trying to figure out how to get the key, Bai Yutang suddenly saw a bouquet of flowers placed outside the door.

"Flowers?" Bai Yutang squinted and stared at the bouquet of red roses that was a bit dazzling. The redness of the flowers was a little dark, which made people feel uncomfortable for no reason.

"Cat." Helplessly, Bai Yutang decided to wake Zhan Zhao up and let him have a look, "Cat."

"Hmm?" Zhan Zhao's sleepy eyes, plus an unhappy expression due to being disturbed, looked up at Bai Yutang.

"Hmm~~" Bai Yutang made a gesture to the ground with his eyes.

Zhan Zhao looked down and saw the roses on the ground. He was now half awake.

"Why is the flower this color?" Bai Yutang gently put Zhan Zhao on the ground and asked in a low voice.

"It's indeed strange!" Zhan Zhao took out his mobile phone and photographed the flowers. Then, he looked at Bai Yutang.

Nodding, Bai Yutang raised his foot and gently kicked the bouquet of flowers. When the flowers moved aside, they saw a shallow pool of red liquid on the ground...Blood.

"What is it?" Bai Yutang frowned and squatted down to take a closer look. There was a small envelope within the flowers. The white envelope was stained with blood, which made it unbelievably dazzling.

Reaching for a napkin, Zhan Zhao covered the envelope with the napkin and pulled it.

The opening of the envelope was not sealed. When Zhan Zhao opened it, he was something inside. Zhan Zhao took out the contents and saw that it was a folded page with a paragraph of words written with yellow fluorescent pen——Psychology is science, a medical skill used to save patients, not an illusion to create crime...

"My book?" Zhan Zhao remembered clearly that he wrote this sentence in the introduction of his second book.

"Is there anything else?" Bai Yutang stared into the envelope.

Zhan Zhao found a small plastic bag, which felt like a stamp envelope used for collecting stamps. There was a lot of blood-red petals inside. It was so red that Zhan Zhao could not tell what kind of flower it was.

"What are we going to do Xiao Bai?" Zhan Zhao asked.

"It doesn't matter." Bai Yutang shrugged. He pointed to his mobile phone and said, "Anyways, I have photos. It's better to wait for the aunt who cleans this floor to get rid of them tomorrow morning." With that, he pulled out the key to open the door, pulled Zhan Zhao inside and then closed the door behind them.

Lying on the bed after they took a bath, the two of them stared at each other face to face.

"Still awake?" Bai Yutang asked Zhan Zhao.

"I can't sleep." Zhan Zhao's face was depressed, "I'm wide awake because of that bouquet of flower."

"You have energy?" On hearing this, Bai Yutang also felt energetic, "Then let's do some activities to nourish our mind..."


Before Bai Yutang finished speaking, he was hit in the face by Zhan Zhao's pillow.

When he took off the pillow and saw that Zhan Zhao was still in deep thoughts, Bai Yutang put aside his smile and said in a serious tone, "I told you...It's aimed at you."

"Mmm..." Zhan Zhao also had to admit that, as he looked up at the ceiling and thought, "I didn't offend anyone. Who would target me and kill so many people? For what?"

Bai Yutang shook his head and reached out to pinch Zhan Zhao's nose, "I say cat, you are so good at solving other people's problems. Why do you get so confused when you encounter your own problems? Aren't you the No.1 psychologist?!"

"Who said that?" Zhan Zhao glared at him, "When it comes to fighting, there will always be a winner and loser. However, when it comes to writing, it is difficult to decide who is better...You said I am No.1. Tomorrow, I will probably be swamped by my colleagues."

"For psychologists, others have struggled for 50 years, but are not as successful as what you have achieved in the last few years. As a psychologist, your professional article is unexpectedly at the top of the novels list. You are the invincible SCI psychology consultant, and the head of the think tank...Even though you are the only think tank. Besides, which other psychologist is better-looking than you?"

Bam! A second pillow hit Bai Yutang.

"Stop talking nonsense." Zhan Zhao reached out and grabbed a pillow from Bai Yutang, then placed it under his head, "This case is complicated. Apart from targeting us, don't you think that it is also aimed at Gong Sun, Brother, as well as Zhao Zhen..."

"You're worried...The killer will go after our relative and friends because they can't get to us?" Bai Yutang thought for a moment and said, "Cat, you must have come across the killer at some point. Have a good think. Is there anyone suspicious?"

"...Speaking of suspicious..." Zhan Zhao seemed to have an epiphany, "I have thought of something."

S.C.I.谜案集 (Special Criminal Investigation) Book 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن