📖Judging Criteria📖

249 9 14

The results should be sent in this format:👇👇👇

   All genres except poetry

Title: How well does the title suit the book's plot? (5 points)

Cover: Is it appealing? Is it related to the story? (5 points)

Description: Did it give away too much information? Did it capture your attention? (5 points)

Vocabulary: (5 points)

Grammar: (10 points)

Plot: Is it original? Does it flow well throughout the story? Or is it too rushed? (10 points)

Character development: How well has the main character's personality and behavioural attributes been developed?  (15 points)

Writing style: (20 points)

Overall enjoyment: (25 points)

Total: (/100)

Review: Give constructive criticism so that writers can improve, but please don't be rude about it.
Must be atleast 3 sentences.


Title: (5 points)

Cover: (5 points)

Description: (5 points)

Grammar: (10 points)

Use of literary devices- metaphor, simile, imagery etc... (20 points)

Writing style: (20 points)

Flow: (15 points)

Creativity: (20 points)

Total: (/100)

Review: Give constructive criticism so that writers can improve, but please don't be rude about it.
Must be atleast 3 sentences.

Any queries???>>>

📖The Innovative Awards 2020📖(Judging)Where stories live. Discover now