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One by one, letters appeared on the sand. More lanterns formed a phrase… My heart started to beat fast as the lanterns completed what it wrote.

It wasn’t a phrase after all…

It was a question.

 Addressed to me.

“Will you marry me?” It read.

Somebody please wake me up.

Am I awake? Is this happening? The question I’ve answered and have proven a while has started to invade my mind once again.

But this wasn’t dream. It was happening right now. All of these. My mind was blank, my heart beat fast. Tears welled and fell down my eyes. The Ferris wheel’s lights lit up once again.

I saw my name in bright lights…

The Ferris wheel then slowly brought me down, but I wanted to be stuck at the top.

A man in his late 30’s suited in a carnival staff’s uniform but with a bowtie, opened the lock for me and I bowed slightly. My eyes travelled to where I was standing.

A cream carpet led somewhere to the shore, cherry blossom petals scattered on the fine cloth. I was oblivious to where it would end though.

“Miss, this way please.” He said my name and smiled, then after, assisted me and I slowly walked on the fine cloth, going wherever it led.

At the other end of the carpet, just beside the shore I saw Leeteuk.

He… proposed? What am I going to answer? This was all so sudden that I haven’t thought it over. My hands were shaking and I looked at my feet taking steps to the answer to my mystery. I was trembling inside.

An arch with the same flowers stood there just before it would hit the water. Tears welled-up as I saw him standing there. He smiled at me.

He took my hand and patted my back lightly.

“Don’t cry.” He wiped my tears with his thumb and smiled. I was still dazed and I didn’t know what to say to him.

“Leeteuk… I…” I sighed and looked down. What was I going to answer? I racked my brain for explanations.

“No, don’t tell me the answer…” He said and I looked up at him. He was smiling brightly.

“B-but you…”

“No, it wasn’t me.” He looked down and smiled. He looked to his right and I turned my head to where he was looking.

A guy in a black tuxedo went towards our way; he had a bouquet in his hands.

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