Slender Man the movie part 2

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Okay so I found out that the reason it seemed incomplete was because several scenes were cut out. In the trailer two scenes of mutilation are shown; A girl shoving a scalpel into her eyes or forehead and a girl with blood pooling out of her mouth running through the woods.

The Father of the victim called it disgraceful (rightfully so) and they cut out some scenes. That's why we never found out what happened to Chloe because I think she was supposed to commit suicide in the science lab at her school, but she never showed up. Instead the last we saw of her character is her staring blankly out of a window with dark rings around her eyes looking like she just pulled an all-nighter to study for mid-terms.

It seems like they cut a bit too much out though, because they left Chloe, one of the main characters death unknown, we still don't know if the girl with blood pooling out of her mouth is Allycat (one of their internet friends), why the sister is doing the ending monologue, if Hallie was only imagining Tom having a demon freak out before they were gonna have sex, why did he come to the science lab with emo clothes? Did he watch the video?

So many questions, so little answers. Ah well.

This isn't the first horror film to have done this. My Bloody Valentine (1981) cut out a lot of scenes when it was first released. In 2009 a dvd was released so you could watch the cut out movie or the original R rated movie. You can tell whenever something was cut out because it gets all grainy, like this: (I couldn't find any actual grainy footage on YouTube as they all used the cut out versions, so I'm going with a Kill Count)

Anyway I'm getting off track here, but now you know why nothing made sense in that movie.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

- Daughter-of-Nike-6

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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