Why they kill

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Okay, this is not a topic that it is covered very often, but I felt the need to say it. Everyone does something for a reason, and the action they are performing can be for multiple reasons.

For example, a girl going to the the bathrooms. She could be going for one of these reasons;

1. A wee

2. A poop

3. A number three

4. She needs to cry

5. She needs to change a pad or tampon

6. She's going to fix her makeup

7. She's going to hop out of the back window to escape from her boring family gathering

There you go, 7 reasons why someone would do something. If there's 7 reasons on why someone would do something as simple as using the bathroom, then there is a ton of reasons why someone would do something as horrifying as killing.

Not a lot of people realise that you actually have to put in exactly why they would kill, with the rare instance it was explained in their background story. People don't use it and it really pisses me off. People kill for a reason guys, and I can think of some. You are welcome to use these.

They are mind-controlled

They are mentally unstable (Use this one carefully please I will talk about it later)

They need to kill for them to stay alive by magical circumstances

They kill them for cannibalistic reasons

They serve someone and killing is simply carrying out orders

They are exacting revenge

They cannot see that it is wrong

They consider themselves superior

They want to stop overpopulation

They don't understand what death is (They may be immortal)

Now these are reasons that I consider less dumber than these reasons. Please don't use these, they will make your readers think you don't know how the mind works.

They are a creepypasta (Yes creepypasta is mostly based around the killing of people but you still need a reason)

They do it with their Creepypasta boyfriend UwU (The only thing I have to say about this is this is a bad idea for a first date)

They do it because the have -insert mental condition that has nothing to do with killing

Okay that last one deserves a whole paragraph. Having psychopathy as a mental condition does not mean that you are murderous, nor is it an acceptable reason for killing, no, it means you have these traits: Shallow emotions, lack of empathy, failure to accept responsibility to own acts ,Impulsive, irresponsibility, lack of realistic long-term goals and pathological lying.

Hopefully you now all know that having a reason is important and makes the story a bit more sense. - Daughter-of-Nike-6

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