Harry Styles ~ Morning Moments

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Dedicated to Eleanor because I love her too much, and she's my nor-nor ;)


I squeezed my eyes tighter, trying to block out the sunlight as I tried to convince myself that I’m still asleep. But obviously, I’m not. Suddenly, a soft whisper against my ear sent a chill down my spine.

“Wake up, babe.” Harry’s raspy morning voice always got my stomach fluttering.

I buried my face deeper into the pillow, managing to squeak out an “Hmm?”

I could feel Harry pulling the silky blanket over my bare shoulder; his gentle touch causing goose-bumps to spike across my arms.

“Come downstairs, okay?” he whispered, before climbing off the bed and leaving an empty feeling by my side.

I opened my eyes, allowing the light to blind me for a second. I smiled to myself, catching a glimpse of Harry pulling on a pair of sweatpants. Harry then left the room, not bothering to put on a shirt.

Sighing, I drag myself off the bed, covering my stomach with my arms. My eyes scanned the entire room in search of something to wear. My clothes had somehow managed to disappear over the night, so I quickly picked up the t-shirt which Harry left behind.

Now standing in only my undergarments and Harry’s oversized shirt, I made my way down the marble flight of stairs.

I could hear a faint humming sound coming from the kitchen, so I tiptoed across the tiles to find Harry’s bare back turned to face me. He was at the counter, probably making breakfast with his incredible cooking skills. I get jealous sometimes realizing that he can cook better than me.

My lips stretched into a wide grin, as I pulled out a high stool, and seated myself with my legs crossed over. Harry tilted his head to the right a bit, exposing his signature dimple as he smiled.

“Mornin’, babe,” the curly-headed boy greeted, before returning his attention to the ingredients in front of him.  

“Good morning.” I hop off the stool, now standing besides Harry. Peeking over his arms, I caught a glimpse of some blueberries and flour. “What are you making?”

“Blueberry pancakes. You hungry?”

“Very,” I beamed.

I rest my palms on the island counter, before leaping off the ground. The tip of my toes kick against the bottom, as I slowly set myself on top of the table. Just as I thought I was settled down, my wrist flicks the bowl of blueberries off the counter, sending them flying over Harry’s arms. As if on cue, I quickly reach out to grab the berries, but only to end up sliding off my bum.

My rear end hits the kitchen ties, with a loud thump echoing across the room.

Harry’s head snaps in my direction, before he quickly joined me on the floor. “Woah! Are you alright, love?” There was a slight bit of amusement on his face, though.

I study my legs which were now covered in berries and frown up at Harry. He had a smirk on his lips, which resulted in me pushing him lightly. “Why are you laughing?” I pout, except I couldn’t help but smile a bit as well.

I watched as Harry shook his head, before poking my nose with his index finger. “You missed a spot.”

A dust of flour suddenly flew over my face. “Harry!”

I jump back up on my feet, grabbing for the flour. Instead of just brushing a bit over his face, I ended up chucking a handful of the grain, all over his hair.

Oh my god.

Instantly, I slap my hand over my mouth with my eyes wide.

Harry slowly raises his head up—some of the flour falling out of his curls. His emerald green eyes meet mine, then a devious smirk playing upon his lips. “Oh, it’s on now.”

Before I could even blink, Harry snatches up an egg, flinging it right at my face. I let out a high pitch shriek, before ducking down and hurrying over to the other side of the counter to take cover.

“The egg hit the window!” I heard Harry yell.

“Too bad!” I hop up, grabbing the bowl of flour again, and tossing the entire thing at Harry. I smirk to myself as it hits him right on his abs. But I didn’t dare stop. My hands reached for anything on the counter, so I ended up throwing 2 eggs, strips of bacon, and some sugar at him. However, Harry was quick to react by grabbing me by the arms and locking me in his grip.

“No no no no no!” I twist and turn, even falling to the ground, as Harry picks up a cup of milk.

Suddenly, he throws me over his shoulder, before placing me on the other table.

“Harry, don’t! I’m serious! Please!” I plead, shielding my head with my arms. I heard the Cheshire boy chuckle, still waving the milk above my head.

“Say, ‘I love you, Harry’,” His dimples were now clearer than ever.

I duck my head lower, now coving my face with my hands. “I love you, Harry! I love you! So very much!”

He set the milk down, cocking his head down to my level. “I love you too, (Y/N). So very much.”

I narrow my eyes at him, but a small smile slowly made its way onto my face. “You’re too cheeky, Styles.”

“I have my ways.” Harry flashed me a quick wink, before leaning in for a sweet kiss. There was still flour on his lips, but that didn’t stop me from kissing back. Though, it ended a little too fast for my liking.

“Is that my shirt?” Harry asked.

I look down at my clothes, and indeed, Harry’s shirt was now covered in berries and flour. “Yes..”

“Oh.” He smirked his signature smirk, and then slowly touched his lips to mine once more. “Well, it looks cute on you.”


(A/N) Hello! Well, there you have it! My very first #Imagine ;D So what did you guys think? Was it good? Did you like it?

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Lots of love! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2012 ⏰

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