jgr;; 2

354 23 2

Warning: Use of bad language.

Note: Short chapter. So sorry!

Do Kyungsoo always brings an umbrella but today was an exception so he is fuming mad when small drops of rain fell on his skin as he walks from work. He curses every one he knows as he enters the nearest coffee shop. He sets his wet coat at a rack beside the sliding doors before finding an empty seat. Kyungsoo sighs for the umpteenth time as he dries his hair with his hankerchief, drying not much as a single strand. He balls his fist in frustration and continues on cursing every one he knows while drying his hair.

"That's a lot of profanities in one sentence."

Kyungsoo jolts from his seat and looks at the male across his table. He saw a tanned male with great eyes and plump lips. Kyungsoo blinks. The man in front of him is in fact a walking perfection. He is simply beautiful, fucking gorgeous.

But before all of Kyungsoo's self-control and rationality fly out the window, he gathers what was left of him until this man showed up and sits straight. "Bad day."

The stranger grins at him before taking a seat. Kyungsoo raises a brow at his actions but said nothing. "Seems like it."

Kyungsoo keeps his lips into a thin line as he watches the stranger. There was something familiar about him. It's like he saw him before, just never knew where. Kyungsoo tilts his head slightly as he thinks for every possible place where they met but none seems to fit. "Have we met?"

The stranger in front of him laughs at his question longer than normal which made Kyungsoo uncomfortable. What was it with this stranger that made him so stuffy, so unfocused, and so confused? "I didn't think you're one of those people."

This makes things much more complicated. Kyungsoo lowers his gaze. "Excuse me?"

The stanger rolls his eyes at him and holds up two fingers. "Point is, we've met. Twice."

Kyungsoo sighs in relief because finally, this conversation is getting somewhere. "Where?"

"At a bar just a few blocks from here. Last week." 

In that moment, everything clicks into place. What he said was true. But he could only remember tiny pieces of that night. He remembers talking to Kris and that guy whose face screamed perfection. Kyungsoo's eyes widen. He remembered saying something to him. He knows about his secret. Kyungsoo's throat became dry.

"Jongin.." He whispers. But the stranger doesn't hear him nor sees that he is suffering from all of this. No one can know his secret besides his brother and their idiot cousin. He has lived his life in guilt enough.

"Please don't tell anyone!" Kyungsoo pleads, almost bursting into tears. For years, he has kept this topic as a secret. But who thought one bottle of beer could ruin his life? Kyungsoo continues on cursing once again.

"I won't."

Kyungsoo pauses and looks at him. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I just wanted to know if you're okay." He says as he fumbles with his fingers almost shyly. Kyungsoo is confused once again.

"Huh?" Kyungsoo asks.

"I might've been rough the last time." He whispers almost inaudibly but Kyungsoo hears it. All hell broke loose. 

"What the fuck?!" Kyungsoo shouts, receiving a glare from a few customers inside the small shop.

"Keep your voice down!" The stranger pleads.

"What do you mean?" Kyungsoo grits his teeth in anger. This man really knows how to frustrate him, for sure. No one ever made him this mad besides his brother. Because who the hell wants to make Do Kyungsoo mad?

No one.

"I'm just here to say sorry and to, uh, know if you'd like a drink." 

"What do you mean earlier?!" Kyungsoo pulls his hair in frustration as he tries to keep his voice down. But for the love of everything that is squishy, he cannot let this pass.

"I haven't introduced myself properly but I'm Kai." The stranger says, sighing in defeat. Kyungsoo was more confused than he ever been in his life. He glares at the other. Wasn't he supposed to be named as Jongin and not Kai?

"I'll be candid. Truth is, we fucked. Twice." 

Well, shit.

Just Got Real [ kaisoo ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang