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Warning: This is a boyxboy fiction. Please exit if you're not comfortable with it.

Note: Yes, it's written in English. Wrong grammar occurs from one point to another.

Jongin glances around the bar in disgust. He pushes himself back into a wall desperately, clawing the neon colored walls in hope to disappear into it. Ah, these are the times that Jongin wishes the ground will open and eat him. It sounds relatively better than being stuck in a bar that has no budget what so ever to upgrade their airconditioning machine. 

"It’s not that bad, bro." Kris, the bartender, says as he makes him another drink. Unfortunately, his brother and his cousin likes to party at Sunday nights instead of being at home, sleeping. It isn’t just the fact that the people in here are like bunnies grinding in heat, or because he just hates to be in crowded places, but because his brother has a test tomorrow and he can bet that he haven’t even opened his Biology book yet.

Fucking life.

"He speaks lies." Another voice chirps in. He looks at his side and sees a short male around his age with a bottle of beer in his right hand.

Kris rolls his eyes. "You drink now Kyungsoo?"

The said male chuckles and takes his bottle of beer into his lips once again. "I wanted to try why my brother likes it."

Kris frowns at him and takes his beer. "You can’t be drunk, Soo. You and your brother still need to get home. I can’t understand you two."

But Kyungsoo doesn’t answer him. Instead, he looks at Jongin in pure interest and scoots closer. "Hey."

Jongin stares at the male and notices how pink his lips are despite how dark it is. He unconsciously moves closer. "Uh, hi."

"I’m Kyungsoo." The latter introduces and he scoots closer again. Too close for people who are supposed to be strangers. But Jongin should be used to it by now. Everybody hits on anybody.

"Kyungsoo," Jongin repeats his name as he nods his head slowly. Kyungsoo’s name rolls perfectly on his tongue. He says it once again and again until he can’t count how many times he spoke his name. Kyungsoo laughs.

"I’m Jongin."

Kyungsoo smiles and Jongin thinks it isn’t remotely fair for him to be already attached to this stranger. Kris chuckles at them before shaking his head. "Kyungsoo has that effect on everyone. But don’t worry; he doesn’t sleep around like his brother."

Kris clears his throat. He lowers his gaze and looks at Jongin. "Or like your brother, per se."

"I’m not planning to sleep with him."

Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow and grins at the two. "You two are fooling yourselves and you know that."

Kris’ eyes widens in shock. "Soo!"

Kyungsoo smirks. "What? To be frank, I think I’m way hotter than my brother. Everybody wants this booty."

Kris chokes and Jongin couldn’t help but smile. Kyungsoo turns to him again and finishes his drink in one gulp. His eyes were shining and he giggles before placing his lips next to his left ear. Jongin visibly shudders and he thinks if this is the time that they’re about to kiss. "Wanna hear a secret?"

Jongin thinks otherwise. Because if Kyungsoo was flirting with him in his drunken state, then nothing good will come out of this the next day. He would just be some stranger in a bar that Kyungsoo came across with and nothing else. But Kyungsoo’s scent makes everything around them so much hotter, so dangerous. And Jongin couldn’t help but to give in.

"I love secrets."

He hears Kyungsoo giggle again and it sent shiver down his spine. "One time, I killed someone."

Jongin faints.

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