Chapter 14:

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Spec of dust: what did you do??
Me: *abandoned my book*
So uhhh??
I'm sorry I haven't updated in ages! And I can't thank you all enough for being patient with me. But I have finally got a grip of myself and I thought I would finally gift you with a chapter or two??
So without further ado!
Taehyungs POV:

It was awkward. Very awkward. You could hear a pin drop in the silence which covered the room.
No had spoken, except for the measly attempts of small talk, which seemed o fall on deaf ears.
How did we get to this you wonder? Well let me explain!


I started to stir, my ears finally tuning in on the many different sounds around me. A bird singing. A waterfall. The wind blowing the trees gently. The purr of a lion. Th-
Wait what!!!
My eyes shot open to only see white blonde fur wrapped around my body. I felt my breath hitch when I felt that heat was actually radiating off the beautiful fur wrapped around my small frame.
'Ok taehyung, don't panic, don't panic. It's just a lion. You've had worse.'
I took deep breath to calm my startled heart and eventually relaxed.
I looked around myself, Still slightly in a daze.
I finally took note of the damp air surrounding me and I could only imagine the state that my hair was in.
"Damn you curly hair.." I mumbled under my breath as I felt the numerous curls underneath my hand as I tried to comb through it.

I sighed, exasperated at the fact that I now looked a mess and that the lion-
Wait calling him a lion is a bit mean.
I turned slowly, unconsciously waking up the lion wrapped around me.
I was looking around for inspiration, when I finally noticed the comforting warm weight of the lion had moved.

My breath hitched slightly, as though it was caught in my throat.
"Now now Taehyung. Calm. Calm. He's not going to hurt you. Now deep breaths." I whispered underneath my breath as I turned to face the warm, cuddly, adorable- no not now!!
I finally sat face to face with said lion and squinted my eyes slightly fur to the light behind him.

Blinking I looked up at the tall lion, a my breath left me.
"Your Beautiful..." I Said loudly, which caused the lion to tilt its head slightly at me, it beautiful mane shaking in the breeze, shining in stunning hues of gold and orange light.

My hand reached up to softly stroke his mane, "Leo." I uttered.
The now named lion the leaned forward and licked my cheek, causing a surprised giggle to rise and escape out of my mouth. I reached up wrapping my considerably smaller arms around his neck in a big lion hug.

Leo rolled over trapping me in his paws and hugging me making me warm and another wave of giggles to leave my body.

I was so wrapped up in hugging the big teddy bear that I didn't notice another presence until-
"Ahem..." said one voice
"You having fun there bud?" Asked another, and I didn't miss the fondness in his tone and choice of words.

I finally, turned around in the lion, who had sat up for my ease. I was still sat easily between his two front legs underneath his stomach. Trapped.
I looked up at them, only to realise it was the six men I had met before.

"Oh...uh. Um im uh sorry for...ya know...running guys..."
I voiced out timidly hiding further into the soft fur of leo, who simply bent his head down to nuzzle my head in comfort.

"Oh sweetie, don't apologies, although know that you could have just asked to go into the forest." Said the first voice, who I now noticed to be seokjin's- uhh no Jin-Hyung's.
I looked down a blush slightly covering my cheeks at the pet name and in embarrassment.
"Sorry H-Hyung's, I just get nervous around new people and don't really know how to speak out and...stuff" I mumbled lightly, seeming to find a distinct interest in the grass covered floor.
I jumped slightly, not expecting the voice to be as close as it was.
The voice chuckled, before a gentle hand lifted my head up to face him, causing myself to blush even more.

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